
Treatments for spider bite?

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I'm almost certain i have a spider bit, its swelled to about the size of an my palm[I'm 24yrs old] and its hard and hot to the touch. i was wondering if there's anything i can do to help it heal faster. I'm sure it wasn't a poisonous spider as i feel fine it just looks terrible and hurt =/




  1. You could put ice over the bite to cool the heat and reduce the swelling somewhat.  I'd keep an eye out to make sure there is no 'red line' raying out from the swollen area; this is a sign of infection that requires medical attention.  If the ice does not help reduce the swelling in a day or two, I'd seek medical attention.  Some people react terribly to insect bites, you might just be one of them.  They need medical intervention to reduce the swelling and promote healing.

  2. Go to a doctor and have it checked out. You don't say what sort of spider it was - sometimes the venom can just sit there and if its hot to touch you have had a reaction

    In the meantime apply some ice pack it can't do any harm. The doctor may give you an antihistamine to take to help the toxins disperse and tell you to keep some on hand in case of other bites

    A couple of websites for reference for you  

  3. The best treatment will be to act immediately upon realizing you have been bitten by a spider. Get emergency care from a professional. You will need to get to a hospital in hope to find qualified personnel with the expertise to diagnosis and treat spider bites. Where ever possible bring the spider in to the hospital with you. This will aid in the treatment plan and reduce misdiagnosis which no doubt could lead to severe consequences.

    When the spider bites are minor in nature, treatment start by first letting the wound bled out to release the toxins, if and when the wound is large enough, applying an ice pack to reduce any swelling, applying an antiseptic to clean the exterior area of the wound and finally applying a topical ointment such as aloe vera to reduce pain.

    Unfortunately no tried and true treatment is available for necrotic bites from venomous spiders. The treatments in use at present include; elevation of the affected area, application of ice packs, administering tetanus shots, antivenom agents, antihistamines, various antibiotics, oxygen, vosodilators, electric shock treatments, curettage and surgery.  

  4. If you have a bite that has swelled to the size of your palm and is hot to the touch and hard, you need to get it looked at.  The poison, venom, whatever, may be concentrated in that one area but I suspect you should at least call a pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist.  I really think you should go to an urgent care or ER just to be safe.  I hope you have insurnace, but if you don't, you ought to go anyway.  Nothing to mess with, friend.  There are plenty of toxic crawlies around and you just don't want to take a chance.  Keep a close eye on it and if it starts to look worse, get to an ER.  Take care.

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