
Trees on mars photos?

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click on the lower left photo that is about 3/4 inches by 3 inches.

click on the top half of it where it shows splotches and then click again to zoom and see what you see.




  1. I see what your talking about,

    the only problem I see is that is a resolution of 6.79 meters/pixel

    they would have to be some really big trees at that scale,

  2. were you just trying to see how many people you could convence that there are trees are mars??? that is very funny!! yes i fell for it and no i don't see trees...

  3. I found the pic and I clicked and zoomed in on it. I didn't see anything that looked like trees.

    Besides, nothing like a tree as we know it could survive on Mars. Any organism that thrives on Mars, if indeed there are any, would be quite unlike what we have on Earth.

    EDIT: Nope, I followed your directions to the letter. Found the top half with the splotches, clicked in to zoom. Try as I might, nothing I see in the photo looked remotely like a tree. In fact, if there were trees, the resolution of the photo wouldn't let you even see it unless the tree itself was miles wide. The website says that the photos are raw without any correction for photographic artifacts, so you're probably looking at some artifact of the photography. And just to reiterate, trees can't live on Mars.

  4. Unfortunately, there are no trees on Mars.  Period.

  5. I don't think that they're trees, even though i can see where you're coming from. I  think that they're a mountainous region. and i believe that they could be the " Valles Marineris" which is the The Grand Canyon of Mars.

    may be have a read of this:

    and then google search for images and compare.

    it's very interesting though. thanks for sharing :)

  6. Looks like ice to me!

  7. I have no problem seeing the tree formations whatever they are. Yes at tens of thousands of years old, they would be very very large.

    It says that at 1k in diameter, it would be 6 times the size of a Banyan tree that is only 2 centuries old

    Here is the tree.

  8. I wouldnt go as far a TR did and say that nothing on it looked like a tree, i can definetly see why you would think that, however he and others are right in sayng that nothing resembling a tree could exist on Mars.

  9. Those are not trees and they don't look like trees.  They do look really cool, though, and thanks for that!

  10. Looks like trees to me, but there may also be another explanation.Thanks for the image and the info.Its nice to see something before the media has a chance to tamper with it!
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