
Tricknometry for foals?

by Guest63393  |  earlier

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I want to teach my 5 month old foal some tricknometry. He is still with the mother who is very calm and not too bothered wih my interactions with the baby.

He gets a little nippy so he's already learnt to pick my cap off my head. (not so good with giving it back yet :P)

Has anyone got any other tricks I can teach him and how?

Would appreciate the help.

Thanks :)




  1. Try and type in horse tricks

  2. I know this one horse that when he was a foal they would play with him and put his front feet on their was cute then until he got big.....he luckley hasnt tried to do it in a while

  3. I would just want to warn you, any tricks you teach him now may seem cute, but when you have a full grown horse taking you cap or preforming other tricks, it could get dangerous for both of you.  It is much harder for a horse to unlearn certain behaviors than to learn them. Also, think about his future; if you ever needed to sell him, it could be a great downfall.  Wit that in mind, you could teach him to do something 'useful'.  if he's mouthy, teach him to pick up a small brush and 'brush' you or himself.

  4. I would try to put a stop to any nipping or stealing of hats.  Right now he thinks it is funny but he might accidently bite someone in the face if he goes for a hat and they move just right.  Sometime they will also try to bite at shirt and trust me they get skin a lot of the time and that hurts.  I would try to stop any form of biting right now because it is not taught and not controlled by a que.  You do not want him doing anything with out being asked first for preform it.

  5. You are creating a monster.  Foals that age are all play, and using that character trait is going to get him thinking you are another foal.  Pretty soon he will be kicking and biting and pushing you all over the place - it won't be nearly as cute when he is 500 pounds, and even less so when he is 1000.  Better quit while you are ahead.

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