
Trig. identities-problem??

by Guest64702  |  earlier

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If xsin^3 theta+y cos^3 theta=sin theta. cos theta

& x sin theta=y cos theta

prove that x^2+y^2=1

Thanks :)))




  1. Gee it took me like 25 mins to finally get this one out. You need to think of how to bring in the identity sin²Ɵ + cos²Ɵ = 1.

    xsinƟ + ycos³Ɵ = sinƟcosƟ -------1

    xsinƟ = ycosƟ ----------------------------2

    So start with equation 1 and aim to eliminate y:

    xsin³Ɵ + ycos³Ɵ = sinƟcosƟ

    xsinƟsin²Ɵ + ycosƟcos²Ɵ = sinƟcosƟ

    xsinƟsin²Ɵ + xsinƟcos²Ɵ = sinƟcosƟ   --------> as ycosƟ = xsinƟ

    xsin²Ɵ + xcos²Ɵ = cosƟ   --------> after dividing through by sinƟ

    x(sin²Ɵ + cos²Ɵ) = cosƟ

    x = cosƟ --------> as sin²Ɵ + cos²Ɵ = 1.

    Start with equation 1 again but now aim to eliminate x just as you did y above:

    xsin³Ɵ + ycos³Ɵ = sinƟcosƟ

    xsinƟsin²Ɵ + ycosƟcos²Ɵ = sinƟcosƟ

    ycosƟsin²Ɵ + ycosƟcos²Ɵ = sinƟcosƟ -----> as xsinƟ = ycosƟ

    ysin²Ɵ + ycos²Ɵ = sinƟ ------>after dividing through by cosƟ

    y(sin²Ɵ + cos²Ɵ) = sinƟ

    y = sinƟ  -------> as sin²Ɵ + cos²Ɵ = 1

    So we found that:

    y = sinƟ

    x = cosƟ

    Therefore we can say upon cubing both of these expressions that:

    y³ = sin³Ɵ

    x³ = cos³Ɵ

    Now just put these four results back into equation 1:

    xsin³Ɵ + ycos³Ɵ = sinƟcosƟ

    x(y³) + y(x³) = xy

    y² + x² = 1 -----> after dividing through by xy

    x² + y² = 1

    Hope this helped!

  2. (1) xsin^3(θ) + ycos^3(θ) = sin(θ)cos(θ)

    (2) xsin(θ) = ycos(θ)

    From (2),

    y = xsin(θ) / cos(θ)

    Substitute into (1) :

    xsin^3(θ) + [xsin(θ) / cos(θ)]cos^3(θ) = sin(θ)cos(θ)

    Cancel cos(θ) from the second term :

    xsin^3(θ) + xsin(θ)cos^2(θ) = sin(θ)cos(θ)

    Divide through by sin(θ) :

    xsin^2(θ) + xcos^2(θ) = cos(θ)

    Take out the factor, x :

    x[sin^2(θ) + cos^2(θ)] = cos(θ)

    But sin^2(θ) + cos^2(θ) = 1 (identity)

    Therefore, x = cos(θ)

    Substitute into (2) to find that y = sin(θ)

    Now, x^2 + y^2 = cos^2(θ) + sin^2(θ) = 1, as required.

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