
Trip to Paris!?

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i am going to pairs for 7 days, first time there! want to know do we tip out at restaurant like we do at USA?




  1. It is customary to round out your bill with some small change unless you're dissatisfied. The amount varies — from €0.15 for a beer to €1.50 - €2.30 after a meal. I personally always left no less than €1.

    In expensive restaurants, it's common to leave an additional 5% of the bill on the table.

  2. uhm usually u tip every were it makes the cook and ur waiter happy that u liked the fod so u should let them know that u liked it by tipping like 5 dollars or so if ur at a nice resturant always tip a 10 ok and remember u always tip no matter what its good manners but never leave a penny unless ur not satisfied with ur food if you leave a penny everyone knows that it means s***w you *****

  3. It is appropriate to tip in some situations, but it's not usually necessary in restaurants. Look at the menu. If it says "service included" or something similar, then you don't need to leave a tip. If service is not included, round up your bill around 10%. Service is usually included.

    I once left some change on the table at a small restaurant in Switzerland. I wanted to get rid of my excess coins and the meal was very nice, so I left them behind. As I was starting my car, the proprietor came running out to return the change because she assumed that I left it by accident! It never occurred to her that someone would leave a little extra.
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