
Triple Crown Question!?

by  |  earlier

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I was watching espn today and they said if Big Brown happened to win the triple crown he would be the next horse since Affirmed in 1978. Then they said he would also be the undefeated horse next to Seattlt Slew. I don't get what they mean be undefeated? Help?




  1. Undefeated means that he's never lost. :)

    Defeat= lose

    Un= not

    Undefeated= Not defeated

    EDIT: No, Big Brown has never lost a race yet.

  2. There hasn't been a triple crown winner since Affirmed in 78', but there hasn't been a triple crown winner that was completely undefeated since Seattle Slew. Meaning Seattle Slew never lost any of the races he ran along with the triple crown races.

    Edit:  I realize that. I was obviously talking about the races leading up to the final race of the triple crown. But I can be gracious and accept a thumbs down when I should clarified my answer a little more.

  3. No, Seattle Slew just didn't lose a single race until after the triple crown was over. Big Brown, having won four of four, will be just the second to accomplish this feat if he wins the triple crown.

  4. To add to the answers, to answer your edit...

    No, Big Brown has not lost a race so far.

    Yet the Kentucky Derby was only his 4th Race...this is his 5th Race.  Belmont will be his 6th.

    Most horses have had longer racing careers leading up to this point.

    Although, I think if he makes this work...there could be much more said for less racing these young horses!

    SO - for the betterment of the sport, we can hope and pray Big Brown can pull this off.

    Not only for the Triple Crown status, but to prove that less racing can prove to be a good thing!

    Loading Big Brown now!

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