
Trivia. can you answer?????

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i bet no one on yahoo answers knows this but the first one to get it right i will vote as best answer. in the old days the refigerator were like and icebox. and like a milk man there was a man who deliverd ice.

alright now do you know how long it took to melt or until they needed more ice




  1. question is worded weird bu id say 2 to 3 days

  2. well...if its in the Philippines..i would melt in just an hour...heheh

  3. It would depend on the size of the ice block to begin with, and the ambient temperature of the day, and how many times the icebox was opened to introduce warm air into the icebox.  

  4. about a week thats why only rich people could have icecream on the weekend

  5. Every few days, but daily in summer time

  6. Where I come from ice was delivered once a week in winter and twice a week in summer.

  7. It would remain frozen for many months, often until the following winter, and could be used as a source of ice during summer months. This could be used simply to cool drinks, or allow ice-cream and sorbet desserts to be prepared.

    To keep the ice frozen, doors or openings were usually built facing north and straw or sawdust was added between layers of ice to act as insulation. The ice would stay frozen for many months, and would be used to preserve and chill food all year round.

  8. a week.

  9. I wish you were more clear in your little riddle explanation.

  10. Ice usually lasted 1-2 days during hot, summer months.  Read more about the history of the icebox and ice man at

    I have a beautifully restored oak ice box with a spigot on the exterior for dispensing cool water that I use as a bar in my kitchen.

  11. after the guy who delivered the ice until he delivered all of the ice

  12. The man came once a week. You got as much ice (minimum was 25 lbs) as you could put in the icebox part of the frig.

  13. no idea.. lets say 3 1/2 days!

  14. if they put the ice in an icebox, wouldnt it stay frozen?

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