
Trotting for a beginner?

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I can't seem to get in tune with my horse when he trots I just stand when I stand and sit when i sit! It's TERRIBLE! I'm a beginner so I still wear tight jeans and adidas sneakers. Could that help? I ride Hammy who's just a plain old horse I think he's a mix maybe a little throughough breed? Well I'm a good walker and two-pointer. What should I do? Any tips?




  1. Ok, so you are trying to master the rising or posting trot. Dont think of it so much as standing in the saddle. Maybe you should ask an instructor or friend to put you on the lunge so you can concerntrate on your body not controlling the horse as youre a begginer, think about moving with the horse and gracefully lifting out of the saddle - but dont rise too high as this looks akward. (its so hard to explain in writing!) If it helps - watch some good dressage riders on TV and see what they do, also try lengthening your stirrups.

    Remember not to think about it too much - just move naturallly with the horse.

  2. just relax and move with the horse

  3. haha i had the same problem. it tooke me months to get posting down. the horse's shoulder closest to the wall, look at it. it should move up and down when you post. when it goes up that means you go forward. and remember posting isn't up and down its forward and back, you have to work on showing the half seat. & don't worry, i still can't tell if i'm on the wrong diagnol without looking at my horse's shoulder. haha xD

    &for the clothes, its dangerous with sneakers but as long as your comfortbale i'd say its ok. tight jeans might not be the best though, i remember reading that in a horse rider article. but jeans are supposed to be very easy to ride with.

    good luck (:

  4. NO SNEAKERS! very dangerous. If the horse takes off and bucks you off your feet could get stuck and you could be trampled. ( boot ) heels down in the stirrups. post. ( sit stand sit stand in rhythm with your horse ) relax your muscles. if your sitting then try to be deep in the saddle do a large exhail and relax your body that helps to make the trot calmer. if your standing be in rhythm. hold on to the saddle horn if you need too. create balance by riding and touching your toes or the horses butt/ears/ect. make yourself relax and get comfortable

  5. I wouldn't be posting as a beginner.  You need to learn how to feel your horse's movements...posting won't teach you that.  A better start for you would be basic dressage with seat and leg contact.  Once you can sit the trot, then you can learn to post. You're doing it backward.

  6. really try and get in toon with the horse and keep him going real slow until you are comfortable then start going a little faster

  7. your focusing too much on getting it right.

    when your riding a horse you should move with him, breathe with his movements and don't sit like a stiff board, let your hips and back end move with the horse.  and when your trotting find his rhythm and breathe with that and you'll know when you should stand and sit, you'll find it much easier if you move with your horse and let him carry you, you are the one sitting on his back after all he has his own rhythm so find his rhythm and follow it.

    it can be easier than it sounds good luck and happy riding!

  8. I had a huge issue with that I use to own an old Lame QH and it was so hard for me to post I would bounce all over well then I picked up a SLOW.. (barley even trotting)trot and I had to call out to my instructor what I should be doing or I could say up,down,up,down until I got the feel and got it right then I started posting and once I got good at slow we picked it up a notch and now I am trotting around the ring faster then some people are canter (scary my mare has trotting speed)

  9. RELAX! breathe and RELAX relax your arms, your legs, butt, everything just flow with it, keep your balance of course! but just let the horse move you don't try to expect and don't guess for each step just let your horse trot and you just relax and sit deep

    as for the posting trot when the horses shoulder closest to the wall goes forward you go up! "rise and fall with the wall" make sense? don't try to thik your way to a perfect posting trot you have to "feel" it or until you can feel it check the horses shoulder every now and then

    also i used to wear tennis shoes as a begginer but i bought some boots and i felt SO SO much more comfortable and don't wear too tight of jeans! you need to be able to relax and feel comfortable if they are too tight yourbody will tense up

  10. Remember one thing... RELAX. The trot is a relaxed pace... just make sure you're relaxed and you'll get it. Also, try getting some half chaps, it will help you grip the side of your horse. Also, invest in some boots, they will make sure you aren't concentrating on your feet, they will make sure your feet are where they are supposed to be. It will come with time. Just think up down, up down, up down, up down... try to make sure your horse stays at one speed instead of going from a lazy jog to a power trot. The irregular beat may be what's causing you some problems. Try posting at the walk as well. Also, make sure that your stirrups are even. If you are slanting to one side, it makes it very hard to trot. Get your instructor to double check that your stirrups are even. It's a bit challenging for a beginner, but you'll learn soon enough. Good luck!

  11. Well for posting you have to count one two one two. I could never  get the rythm right so I counted double(one,two,three,four). I dunno if that makes sense but i hope it does!

    Yes And also proper clothing is good. No really loose clothing and riding boots is good.

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