
Troubled, Help please. =)!?

by  |  earlier

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For the last 4-5months ive been going to bed at a reasonable time

and seem to be waking up 2 hours exactly each time i sleep, and i cant get back to sleep.........until after say....5 more hours

I have no idea why.

It's caused me to have really ugly bags under my eyes, any way to fix this sleep thingy without MEDS?

My mum wont allow me to take (Sleeping Pills) cause she said they are dangerous.

Any suggestions?

THX alot.




  1. I can understand what you are going through for we all experience this problem, so of course there are ways to solve it, or at least make it more manageable. when I can't sleep, I soak in a hot bath and listen to music. That generally gives me about 6 more hours of sleep and makes me smells really good. Another solution my mom does is that she drinks a warm cup of milk every night before going to bed with a small peice of chocolate cake I make her often. You could use cold milk, I heard it works just as well.  

  2. sleeping pills are perfectly fine in moderation. they aren't dangerous unless you really overdue it.

  3. Your "mum" is wrong in her thinking that sleeping pills are dangerous.

    ANYTHING is dangerous if it is ABUSED.

    Try the sleeping pills. Don't abuse them...and you may find an answer for yourself. Try with the pills...then try without again...use different methods and don't worry about not sleeping...that can affect your ability to sleep well too...

  4. My suggestion would be to take natural melatonin. It's naturally produced by your body anyway. If you take it for a week, your body will establish a new sleeping pattern and you won't need it anymore. It's over the counter and you can find it in just about any store that sells vitamins/supplements. I hope you get to sleeping better soon.

  5. Hi, you don't mention anything in your diet such as sugary foods or/and caffeine.  I used to pretty much the same problem, I also used to feel drowsy and lethargic all day at work too.  My doctor told me to cut out caffeine (tea, coffee and soft drinks) and avoid sugary and high energy foods after 5pm.  I have been off caffeine for 3 weeks now, it was difficult at first as I have drank coffee all my adult life (I'm 28 now) but easily replaced my coffee urges with decaf.  I also cut out sugary foods altogether and I can now stay awake all day, I have loads of energy and my sleeping pattern is back to normal, I haven't had better sleeps in years. Try it, if it doesn't work, try chloroform :oD

  6. the smell of lavender is supposed to help you sleep and help you stay asleep. it works very well for me.

    at bath and body works they sell this spray that you just spritz on your pillow and sheets before bed. it works wonders :]

    also try a bed time tea, they sell those almost anywhere. its actually called bed time tea.

    warm milk can help you fall asleep, idk about staying asleep though.

    but yea thats all i can think of...hope it helped :]

  7. Do you feel tired when you go to sleep or are you forcing yourself?  Sometimes waking up in the night is due to your mind being overly stimulated.  There are a bunch of things you can do.  Firstly, just keep in mind not to overstimulate your senses.  So for the last 1-2 hours you expect to be conscious don't light smelly candles, watch TV, go on the computer, listen to loud or fast music, etc.  All of these things (especially TV and computer because of the bright lights) over stimulate your brain.

    Try spending the last 1/2 hour before you go to bed being very relaxed.  Read a book, keep the lights low...that kind of thing.  

    I hope this helps, but if it doesn't, try talking to your mom about just seeing a doctor about it.  Promise her that it's not for meds, it's just for advice.  I'm sure if you're reasonable, she will be also.  See what a doctor has to say.

    Good luck and Sweet Dreams!

  8. Try making yourself very tired..more so than you usually are. Walk, exercise, dance anything that will make you tired. Then take a hot shower. Do not eat anything at least 2 hours before you go to bed and don't drink about an hour before and use the restroom before you go to bed. Do not go to bed too early. The key is to be physically tried and trick you body back into sleeping. I know your Mum doesn't approve of sleeping pills but when I get off schedule and cant sleep right I take a couple Tylenol PM. They are at the store and not prescription. They really are safe. Hope you get some sleep, I know how bad it can make you feel.

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