
Trucks spraying gasses at 2am?

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. I live in the inner city of Cleveland, I was wondering what those trucks are spraying like every week at 2am? My mom told me when I was a kid that they were to kill mosquitoes because of viruses they carry with them. But I don't think thats a big concern anymore, is it?





  1. They're probably spraying malathion for mosquitos carrying West Nile Virus.  It's a relatively new virus in the United States, but there are a few dozen cases every year.  Cleveland seems a little far north for it, but I suppose it might be a concern there.

  2. They are spraying Luminal the chemical that detects blood


    If you look at the truck following them you will see all the people in it are waring yellow colored glass sun glasses


    They are looking for missing bodies I mean people


  3. It's a form of nerve gas.  It reduces your ability to think for yourself.  And allows the government to control you.  Eventually you will start believing anything you see, hear or read.

    If you believe this answer, the gas must be working already.  I suggest you quit breathing.  It's the only way to protect yourself from the gas.

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