
Trust issues.......?

by  |  earlier

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ive been with my boyfriend for almost a year and a half now.

and i seem to always get into these moods where i dont trust him as much as i should.

for one hes always with me except for when he is at work.

he really never would have time to cheat on me- and i dont think he is.

im just sick of all these girls that seem to want to get to him.

they are so immature and seem to think they have a chance and can break us up.

i know this is stupid but i seem to tell him everything that any guy tells me- and the other night i walked by him while he was on myspace and he was messaging other girls.

i really dont think he is cheating on me but how can i trust he and not be so flippin jealous over stupid ****




  1. Jealousy/Trust is a evil enemy of relationships. Comes from a lack of Self-Esteem. You need more confidence in yourself.

    Playing games is very immature.

  2. wow jealously start acting like you don't really care about him and see what happens like don't pay attention to him as much i don't mean be a b**** just don't give him all the attention act like it doesn't bother you and then take a step back is this the way you want to live the rest of you're life wondering if hes doing this to you or not surely its not worth the time enjoy each other jealously free

  3. Trust issues are usually a sign that you are fearful of something. Ask yourself, honestly,  what is it you are fearing about the relationship and address what you find.

    Otherwise you will not have a relationship in the future.  

  4. ur not the 1st or last female feeling like this, you have to learn to trust him (yes its hard) but if you dont want to loose him b/c of your insecurites than start makeing a change. its up to you how you handle this situation. but like i said lear to trust him if he doesnt give you a reason to not trust him

  5. i get the same way with my boyfriend, i always have trust issues, even if i totally trust him, you dont ever know whats on your mans mind, and they dont ever know whats on yours.... so maybe he is just talking to the girls, about everything in his life, maybe they are just old friends... you need to learn how to trust him:) good luck:) i hope that i helped:)
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