
Trying to burn CD from iTunes?

by  |  earlier

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So I'll make a playlist and click burn cd just like I have a million times before. I have used these CDs before also. It's been a little while since I've burned a CD from my iTunes. I know I've used the same CDs on the Same comp before.

The problem: I will make a playlist, click burn, the cd drive will pop open and it will tell me to insert a blank cd. I will put a cd in, close the drive, and then i can hear it start to spin up. iTunes will say 'checking media' for about 15-30 seconds and then it will stop. And nothing else will happen. It's just as if I never hit 'burn cd'.




  1. pop in the cd and go to my computer and right click on the cd drive icon and clean watever is on it but erasing it for reformatting. maybe your cd is not RW (re-writable) so u can only add stuff and thats it

  2. You have to use the correct type of CD ROM.  Use the digital audio blank CDs.  Also make sure that the disc is blank.

  3. It sounds like the disc isn't blank... Did you try more than 1 disc? You can check to make sure that the disc is blank by going to "my computer" and right clicking on the disc and pressing properties. It will show if there is anything on the disc.  

  4. the cd might not be blank go to the store and buy some cheap $5 cd's and see what happens. if it still happens there might be something wrong with your computer.

  5. Mine did that when I hadn't installed it properly. So I had to reinstall it and it worked. And yea like that other person said, try another disk.

  6. It sounds like you may have a bad batch of blank CDs.  This has happened to me before.  Try to borrow a name brand blank CD from a friend and try that.  If it works you'll know it was just the media you were using.

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