
Trying to get another car?!?

by  |  earlier

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i currently have a 2007 nissan xterra but im trying to get anther truck..the thing is that i tried to refinance or even at that trade it in..but the sales guy told me that i was upside down =| shouldn't the remaining of whatever car im trying to get roll over?! im trying to get something more economical bc the economy is so bad right now..gas is killing me =( my credit is OK; its not perfect..and my hubbys is super BAD!! so how can i go about leasing another car under my name?! what are the requirements?!




  1. Bottom line, you can't, which really isn't a problem because you shouldn't anyway.

    Look at it this way, you want to lease a car at, let's say $10,000.  The minute you drive it off the lot, it's worth $8000, and you are looking to borrow $10,000 plus whatever you're upside down on the other loan.  Let's say that's $4,000 for arguments sake.  $14,000 on an asset that is worth $8,000.  It just won't fly, that dog won't hunt.

    If anything, increase your payments to get rid of the negative equity.

  2. It will be better for you to pay down on your truck instead of putting yourself further in debt by getting another vehicle. Especially if you're more than $3K upside down. Leasing a car is just throwing money into a pit so I would recommend you BUY your next vehicle instead of leasing it. Especially since money is a concern to you.

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