
Trying to get my son back?

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I got pregnant at 17 and felt i didn't have time to raise him.

Now I am 27 yrs old and want him back and so does my boyfriend (the dad) The couple who adopted him were in their late twenties at the time and could never have kids,is there a way that I can regain custody of him with no questions asked ?





  1. Not at all,I wish it was reversable but unfortunatly when its done its done.

  2. I doubt you'd be able to get him back. Besides, I know you love and miss him, but he has a family, wherever he lives, its not right to put a child into a family for ten years and then expect to get him back. Its just plain mean.

    However, there are tons of adoptive parents who see their biological children on a regular basis. He could call you maybe Aunt and Uncle so that it feels like you have a bond together. Its not like you were abusive so he wouldn't have a reason to not like you. There are many parents who become friends with the adoptive parents as well. If you would like to do this, call the adoption agency and get the records and give the parents and your son a call to see if you could arrange a date for you to see him.

    Please don't take him away. Its unlikely the court will let you, but imagine if you were in his position. I'm sure, if I was him, I wouldn't like you and I would complain my whole life about how I miss my family and my mom and dad. Please don't do that to a child.

  3. NO you gave Him away because you didn't have time to raise Him. You should have thought about you and the child before you jumped into bed with you BOYFRIEND that's ridiculous

  4. I wish you the best just know that you are in my prayers.

  5. Miss Sunshine, I feel for you. Wanting your child back is a big thing. But in all reality, what ever the adoption was, NO you will not get your child back. I know there is a source down below. But I gave a child up myself, it was open, to the extent I could never get her back. I see her, I get pic's. I may write, but getting her back it will never happen. You need to talk to an attorney, mainly the one that handled the adoption. Do you have any paper work? Bring them to him or her. But you both must think of your child. It has been 10 years. Don't you think it would do more damage to fight for him than good. There could be a chance he could go into custody. And then he would be thinking he did something wrong. Do you really want to do that to your boy? They don't understand at that age. Let him go. Just see if you can have an attorney, talk to the new parents about letting letters come in, or seeing if you can see him when he is 18 years of age, let it be your boy's choice.Don't press him. Please, It could go wrong.

  6. No you cannot. Not legally or morally. The child belongs to the adoptive parents. Certainly you would not want to put this child through something like that anyway.

  7. In a previous question you stated you were 17, pregnant and thinking of placing your twins for adoption.  Now you are 27 and want to take your biological child back?  I don't get it.

    Which is it?  This is a serious subject and not one to be joked around with.

  8. I'm not sure about the legality of it, but would you really do that to a 10 year old boy?

    Take him away from the family he knows and loves just so you can feel better about putting him up for adoption?

    What about the other family? Don't you care that they have raised this boy for 10 years and love him more than anything?

    You can still have children. They cannot.

  9. i dont think so and it would be hard for the son as well so i would not recomend it.

  10. No you can't. Once the adoption went through he was no longer your child. Although you could try contacting the parents to see if you could maybe have a visit with him. Again that would be their choice to let you or not. You might have to wait until he is 18 to contact him and leave it up to him if he wants to see you.

  11. Nope you made the choice there is no going back.

  12. no if he was adopted. And it would not be good for your son to go through that anyway. You may meet him some day but you gave up the chance to raise him. You put him first then and so now put him first again. He is to young to be pulled between two parents. God Bless, its not easy but you will get through this

  13. There is no was to get him back. Evenif there were coursion the laws have time limits.

    Really it would be traumatic for you to try take him back. Once a child is adopted his parents are his parents FOREVER.

    Is he in an abusive family?

    Is he being negelected or mistreated?

    Were you forced to place him?

    This is why you signed over your rights they asked you if you understood that this was perminate. If you want to just know him, just ask his PARENTS if they would let you have an open relationship with him.

    If you are ready to have a baby (and are married) you could try getting pregnant again.


    Are you the girl from the other question?

    if so and you are just seeing what would happen if you change your mind in 10 years, then your really need to be educated about what adoption is!


    this girl could be trolling for people to con in to thinking She has a baby and is looking for adoptive parents, who can pay for living expences OF COURSE!

    please could you let us know the TRUTH?

  14. I'm going to try to repond to your question with an open mind as a neutral third party.  I understand how you and your boyfriend probably feel - as if you have special ties to this child you carried and both gave life to.  The child, however, has been with his adoptive parents for some time now and I do not recommend distrupting his family life.  Instead, you may want to contact the adoptive parents and tell them that you wish to be a part of your son's life.  You never know - the adoptive parents could have explained to him that he is in fact adopted and may support you having some communication with him.  As far as getting him back altogether - I'm not sure I agree with that part or if it's even possible.  I think your best bet would be more of an "open adoption" approach because I feel that it may be the only positive way in getting to know your son.  Also keep in mind that the couple who adopted him may not agree to this, but there is a good possibility that they may! All my best . . .

  15. You can't regain custody unless you could prove that it was an illegal adoption.

  16. If the adoption was finalized and legal then you can not regain custody.  However, many adoptive parents these days are eager to establish open adoption or semi open adoption arrangements.  I suggest contacting them directly and talking with them about it.  Be polite and don't give them any reason to feel threatened or to feel that this is an unhealthy request for the child involved.  They may be leery initially but after talking with them over a period of time they may come to trust this is a healthy option for the child.

    Truly, a lot of adoptive parents prefer open adoption and even if they don't they may accept it and allow a relationship to develop.

    All my best to you.

  17. If you have enough money and a good lawyer anything is possible....

    But really think about this..

    Your being selfish and you guys need to think about your son..

    They are all he knows and its not right to take him away from his parents because your just now feeling bad about your choice to give him up...

    I think you saying you didnt have 'time' to raise him at 17 is a load of c**p... you were again being selfish. I had my son at 16 and im 17 now and i have all the 'time' i need to raise him and would not have chose anything different...

    do him a favor he is already heartbroken because his mother didnt want him dont tear him away from the only parents he knows... he will never forgive you..

  18. Is this torment what you want to put your son through?  Imagine if you will how he would feel to be put between his real Mother (the adoptive one) and his biological mother (you) and you both pulling on one arm.  Do you really want that for him?  Best to leave adopted boys live and make another with your BF, if you both want one now.

    Oh, and you say, no questions asked?

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