
Ttc... wat do u think.... :(?

by  |  earlier

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ok here goes EVERYTHING.... ii had my period on june 20th to the 25th.... i started lightly light spotting on the 4th to the 6th which were days 15-17... we have been BD for the past 6 months. I have been having really bad lower back pains... always tired.... peeing somewhat a lot....its hard to laydown on my stomach sometime....I noticed and been having mood swings... breast hurt from time to time...been having headaches and feeling like imma throw up.... my period is fairly normal.... i would be due for my period on July 14th to the 17th..... ii took the ept hpt.... and it was negative on the 16th.... still no period... n its day 35




  1. I would take another test in the morning tomorrow. It could be that your pregnant and just didn't have enough hormones in your system to register on the test you took on the 16th. I would wait until the morning and use first morning urine though b/c that will be the strongest.

    If you still get a BFN tomorrow, you might want to call your gyno and request a blood test. Those are more accurate than hpts.

    Dust to ya

  2. always a possibility take a test

  3. I don't want to get your hopes up, but I think it is possible that you are pregnant (I hope you are!)  Always tired and sore b*****s are good signs.  DId you use an OPK?  Have you taken a HPT in the last week?  If I were you, I would call the doctor and get an appointment for blood test and run down to the drugstore and get an HPT.

    Whatever it is, please post and let us all know!  Fingers crossed for you!

  4. Since it has now been 8 days since your last test it's safe to test again! good luck and baby dust to you!

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