
Tubal for me or him?

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So I can not carry pegnancys safely anymore. I think I should have my tubes tied since I am the one not able to be pregnant.

My husband says it would be easier to do his.

My thought is, what if I was to die and his future or potential future spouse wanted children? Do I want to be responsible for preventing that or making it diffucult.?

Opinions please




  1. Vasectomies are now almost 100% reversable, he is correct that it would be easier to have his done.  I congratulate you both on being so thoughtful of each other.  I would allow him to be the chivalrous man he seems to be and have the proceedure done himself.  If you can no longer carry children, it may be best that you not undergo surgery either.

  2. If he is sure he doesn't ever want a biological child,with you a surrogate then have him do it.

    but i think it would be safe to say that you get it done cause

    if a child ever enters your life through adoption or (you can harvest your eggs) would need the both of you.

  3. In actuality it is an easier procedure for him to have the vasectomy done. Having a tubal is considered major surgery for a woman and takes many weeks of healing time.  For the man, it's an office visit with your family physician.  And in most cases a vasectomy has a very high reversal rate in the event that he would remarry if something were to happen to you.  Do you have any children?  Some Dr.'s will refuse to perform a tubal on a woman who has no children or is of too young an age.  I would really discuss these options.  You should get your Dr involved in this discussion as well for his/her opinion from a medical standpoint.  He/She might even be able to give you more options other than surgery.  Good Luck.

  4. Ordinarily I would say he should be done- but since your life would be threatened if you got pregnant, then I would say you should ask your doctor which method is most reliable.

  5. if you cant decide then why should either of you get it done?  Hold off on it.
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