
Turning you child upside down?

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i saw another mother (from my mothers group) the other day turn her roughly about 5 month old baby upside down. She was holding him by the hips and then lifting him above her head, so there heads were the same. Now the baby was laughing and loving it.

now this baby is almost crawling and has great head control.

is this bad for the baby? if yes what is bad about it?




  1. no not unless she keeps him there for a long period of time then that could cause major  problems

  2. Nope, nothing bad about it unless she hold him there for over three minutes. Then he'll get a minor head-ache when she puts him down. If he likes it, let him! :)

  3. I'm a pre-school teacher who spent college working at a fitness center for children ages 6 weeks old to 13 years old.

    During the mommy-and-me classes for the 6-month-olds to 18-month-olds, we'd often teach the mothers little gymnastics tricks to do with their babies, and many of those tricks involved the babies being upside down (headstands, forward rolls, even back flips!).

    As long as there is no pressure on the baby's head or neck, and the baby isn't held upside down for a long period of time, and the adult is sure to avoid any jerking motions, the baby will be fine--and their little smiles and laughter will prove it! :)

  4. As long as they baby is not crying in pain or fear then it is fine.  Of course as long as she is being sudden jerks or anything.  There's nothing wrong with a mother actively playing with her baby!  They all like different things...and my son gets his giggle box turned over on the most awkward things!

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