
Twilight yugioh deck. Please rate?

by  |  earlier

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hello iam trying to build a twilight deck please rate and suggest what i should change. all suggestion will be put into thought.

Unfortunately i won't be able to get:

-Destiny draws


I want them bad but they are to expensive.

I want to be able to use this deck in regionals


Light and Darkness Dragon x2

Darklord Zerato x2

Dark Grepher x2

Destiny Hero Dasher


Snipe Hunter

Sprit reaper

Destiny Hero Disk Commander

Card Trooper


Cauis The Shadow Monarch x2

Cyber Dragon x2

Kuraz The Light Monarch x2

Dark Magician Of Chaos

cyber valley x2

Armageddon knight

e-hero Stratos


Allure Of Darkness x2

Brain Control

Mystical Space Thyphoon

Heavy Storm

Trade In x2

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Lightning Vortex

Reinforcements Of The Army x2

Fires of doomsday


Limit Reverse x1

Mirror Force

Phoenix wing wind blast x2

Torrential tribute




  1. With so many hight level monsters, you'd be crazy not to run Treeborn.

    Monsters: 24

    2 Light and Darkness Dragon

    1 Dark Magician of Chaos

    2 Darklord Zerato

    2 Caius the Shadow Monarch

    2 Kuraz the Light Monarch

    2 Cyber Dragon

    1 Destiny Hero - Dasher

    2 Dark Grepher

    1 Snipe Hunter

    1 Armageddon Knight

    1 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

    1 Sangan

    1 Card Trooper

    1 Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Treeborn Frog

    2 Cyber Valley

    Spells: 12

    2 Allure of Darkness

    1 Trade-In

    1 Foolish Burial

    1 Reinforcement of the Army

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Brain Control

    1 Fires of Doomsday

    Traps: 5

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Limit Reverse

    1 Torrential Tribute

    2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

    Total: 41 cards

    Fusion Deck: 3

    1 Cyber Twin Dragon

    1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

    1 Chimeratech Overdragon

    Side Deck: 15

    1 Jinzo

    1 Destiny Hero - Plasma

    2 D.D. Crow

    1 Book of Moon

    1 Enemy Controller

    1 Reinforcement of the Army

    1 Scapegoat

    1 Trade-In

    2 Dust Tornado

    2 Pulling the Rug

    2 Royal Decree

    Feel free to try different things for the side board if you like. If you have any questions, email me and I'll try to help out. Best of luck.

  2. light monarch? out yet?

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