
Twitching cat?

by  |  earlier

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A friend of mine who does animal rescue gave me a cat to look after. Everyone seems to think that the cat has been some how poisoned. Yet, there is no poison to be found. Does not rule out the fact that he still "may" be poisoned.

The cat was found with a little foam around his mouth and his whole body twitching. We where instructed by a vet to make him throw up using salt water down his throat. A few hours later he seemed fine. 14 hours later, his twitching comes back. And very strong too. He can barely walk. But then after a while the twitching slows down enough to where he can again. Seems that this twitching is not going to go away.

No one knows how or when this whole twitching thing started. The cat does not seem to be in pain, however I don't think hes getting any rest with his twitching and when it's really strong his eyes blink really fast and he can't even stand up.

We can't afford to take the cat to the vet for another week.

Any ideas or suggestions?




  1. foaming isnt necessarily a problem. especially if he was already tested for rabies and doesnt have them. but twitching may be seizures. and it's probably natural, again if he was tested and nothing was found. there might be medications to slow the frequency of the attacks but it cant really be cured.

  2. This cat NEEDS to see another Vet who is interested in finding out what is wrong.  This is not something that should wait a week.  If it is neurological due to poisoning or something else, it needs to be treated and brought under control before more permanent damage is done....

    EDIT:  Thanks for your additional info - HARTZ is the Freaking DEVIL!!!

    There is the answer to your problem.  Unfortunately - the symptoms can take a take a long time to subside and sometimes there is permanent damage.  BUT do not give up!!!    I have seen cats come in seizing so badly and stay with us on IV fluids for a week while we kept them sedated still pull through.  They went home still twitching off and on for a month but did eventually pull

    through.   You may be asked to run blood work to check for liver/kidney damage but as long as the kitty is eating, drinking, has normal stool and urine - and continues to improve over time - he may just get through this.

    I will keep him in my prayers and PLEASE NO MORE HARTZ PRODUCTS!!!

    GOOD LUCK  :)

    Edit #2 The only bath that would have helped would have been Dawn Dishwashing Liquid.  And it would have had to been done immediatly.  

    I am assuming that you have told the Vet what the problem is and he has decided that this is a  waiting game now.  If not please call him back.

  3. according to the answer of the it seems lack of calcium, but the foaming is the rabies.

  4. Give it a bath with oatmeal shampoo.

    My cat had a allergic reaction to the cheap, crappy flea meds. My cat started foaming right away so I knew to give her a get it off as right on the package it says if there is any type of reaction to bathe the cat immediately. Sorry you are going through this with your cat.

  5. Bath him to start with and then see if you can make him sick again. Give him loads of water before you make him sick and after.

  6. You must take your cat to a vet. If you can't afford a regular vet then take the cat to your local humaine society - they have vets on staff that charge a fraction of what a private vet will charge.

  7. gotta give the cat back to your friend and tell em

  8. You seriously cant leave the cat like that till another week, can you?  You got to take him to the vet. It`s so painful to see any animal suffer when you cant do something to save it.  Please.

  9. maybe he has a neurological disorder
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