
Two Contrasting Ancient Greek Myths?

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I'm doing an assignment for school and I need 2 myths that are easy to compare and contrast with the same theme/purpose. I can't use the following myths (sorry for misspellings -.-"): Echo & Narcissus, Cupid & Physche, Prometheus and Pandora, The Minotaur one, Daphne, Orpheus and Eurydice.




  1. Look up Aphrodite.

    in one case she was born of the Ocean from Uranus'...umm...."lifejuice".  This would make her a Titan

    in another case she was born of Zeus' loins.  This would make her an Olympian and explain why she was in existance  after the fact that Zeus took over.

  2. You could try The Iliad and the war between the Olympians and Titans. Specifically Zeus vs Typhon and Achilles vs Hector. Beleform vs Chimera and Herakles vs Hydra or Perseus vs Maddon... sorry Medusa.  

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