
Two Robo dwarf Hamster?

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I'm going to get two Robo dwarf hamsters soon and I was wondering about cages. The cage I have is to small so I was thinking about making one. I would like to know about how big the cage should be and anything I might need extra because there will be two hamsters.

Also any other info about owning two hamsters would be helpful.




  1. i thought putting two of the same gender hamster usually end up fighthing or bitting each other.

    plz help with  mine i' really scared about my hamster's heath.  

    "What will it cost me for my hamster to go to the vet in Canada Ontario?"

  2. If you don't want to risk them fighting, I suggest putting some sort of wall in between two sides of the cage, sort of like putting two cages together? But if you want to put them together, please don't let them fight. =( it could get very serious and lead to death...

  3. If you want to buy a readymade hamster cage, you can go in for Habitrail Playground or Crittertrail 1/2.

    If you want to make your own bin cage at home, you can learn from the following website -

    I personally prefer barred cages since they allow more ventilation and are easier to clean.

    The starter kit for hamsters should include -

    A spacious cage

    Bedding material (only aspen shavings or carefresh should be used, pine / cedar shavings not good for hamsters)

    Food dish

    Commercial hamster food (any good brand)

    Exercise wheel

    Hamster water bottle

    Tubes and tunnels inside the cage for the hamsters to play

    Hamster Ball - to exercise them when you take them out of the cage

    Wooden chew sticks

    When you are getting two hamsters, try to get both male only or both female only as it is not wise to have a male and female together until you are an expert breeder.

    Dwarf hamsters can coexist peacefully in the same cage but sometimes they might have minor tiffs over space. To avoid this make sure that the cage is spacious enough and you provide two of the food dish, water bottle and exercise wheel so that both are happy when they want to do the same thing at the same time.

    For more information and reading, check out this site exclusively meant for robo hamsters -

  4. dont get two..... they fight

    just a normal cage really but make sure that the holes are small enough where it cant get out

  5. If you get to robos, I would suggest getting two males.  Not only are they more tame and less territorial, they will probably get along better.  I had two sisters once and one killed the other. ):

    As for what you should make it of, not wood and not plastic.  They'll chew out of plastic and pee will stain the wood with unpleasant odors.  I would honestly suggest buying a glass aquarium.  The cage should be around two feet long, give or take a few inches (you can't really go too big without knowing it) and about a foot wide, give or take a couple inches.  

    If you have any questions about hamsters, feel free to ask me.  I have been taking care of rodents all my life.

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