
Two kids or one!?

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ok. my cousin denise was raped and became pregnant at 15. she had her baby,a girl named Lily lily is 2 and is begging denise for a baby sister.she cant understand that lily has to wait and is trying to have another one with mike(her bf of 9 mons) help?




  1. TWO!!! (only if she really loves mike)... =D sry about the incident. =(

  2. It's up to the mom, not the child as cute as they are, as to when she NEEDS to have another baby. If Denise is only 17 with one already, she may would like to wait a while longer possibly get married and stuff like that..

    Maybe she could get the little Lily (beautiful name) a pet of some sort for her to "be mommy" to.. If she's only been with the guy for 9 months, it may be too soon for her to realize whether or not "he's the one." Maybe you can talk to her about deciding on marriage, having him adopt Lily and then starting a new family like that..

    I commend your cousin for having her baby under those circumstances, I know it was a tough situation, emphasize to her she's still young and has a long life ahead of her to have all the children she wants.. having one now may be a little of a rush. Ultimately she's going to have to make the decision herself..

    Good luck to all.

  3. Its her decision. Her child may want a buddy but its up to her to decide if she wants to go through it all again, the pregnancy, the pains etc. Also, it might be better to wait a little longer seeing as she's fairly new in the relationship. You never know what could happen next in the relationship.

  4. I think if they have only been together 9 months than she should wait. Iam with my boyfriend after too years and we are having our first it was un planned. But get her a dog or a cat for now :)

  5. omg no way, she is still too young!

    what she needs to do is take her daughter to make some friends!!!!

    not have another baby!

    well i say yes, if she is financially stable and can handle 2 kids

    it is up to her though> ?????

  6. wow.

    she's 17?

    that's crazy to give into the wishes of a 2 year old.

    and they've been dating 9 months!?!?!

    that is not NEARLY long enuff to make that kind of commitment.........

    good luck!

    and i will keep her in my prayers.


  7. she's so young and has a daughter and im supposing she's ok .  having two children so young one purposely is not ok. she's 17 and she should wait to have her second child when she gets into her twenties and she is sure she absolutely loves mike.

  8. 9 months in a relationship is not enough time to make a commitment as big as a baby! I am sorry about her rape and commend her for not going the abortion route, but she needs to wise up and not give in to her 2 year old. If she lets her run the show now, it will be harder to make her obey when she is older!
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