
U.k citizens?

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hiya - i have recently become fascinated by south america and am wondering - will folks be hostile toward me as i am from u.k? the reason i ask is i know a little about the way u.k has conducted itself over the years and i am wondering is there still a lingering hatred for us?




  1. No!!! This is my third answer to you and it is still NO! Not even in Argentina as someone suggested. There is absolutely NO hostility towards british people here. I've had contact with expats all my life, and visited nearly all countries in South America as I work for a British School. I've been to Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico and Ecuador representing this British School, had contact with a lot of people and NO, no one hates or resents brits!! There is a bit of resentment towards americans but even said that, american tourists are treated with the utmost respect in all south american countries. Just come down here and you will have a great time!

  2. Perhaps only Argentinians will hold something against you given the tiff between Argentina and the U.K. over the Islas Malvinas/Falklands.  In general, if you read the Spanish newspapers, most don't hold a high regard for what is happening in the Middle East/Iraq with respect to the U.S.A. and Britain.  They think the U.K., U.S. should not be involved in Iraq.   Also, carry a passport with you in a money belt or satchel under your clothes.

  3. i doubt it just try not to dress offencively as this in certian countries especially where religion is popular is frowned upon
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