
UFC,Tapout and other MMA events?

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what type of doctors are at ring side?Are there doctors that specialize in certain areas and at any point a fighter is in trouble can the doctors stop the fight?




  1. In sanctioned MMA fights, they have doctors at ringside that specialize in combat sports injuries, so they have plenty of experience in recognizing common injuries.

    A doctor can only stop the fight in conjunction with the referee.  The referee can call in the doctor to examine a fighter in the case of cuts, fouls, or other injuries, either by pausing the fight mid-round, or in the time between rounds.  Once the doctor is called in, they examine the fighter in question and give the referees their decision on whether the fighter can continue fighting or not.

  2. Since when did Tapout start promoting MMA events?

  3. Real doctors.

  4. I am not sure if the fights are sanctioned by a state athletic commission.  Example being the Nevada athletic game commission.  If so like in boxing a doctor must be present.  I am sure the doctor would be a Internal Medicine or some type of surgeon.  

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