
UFO and history ?

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there are a lot of UFO evidence , statues , paintings etc...

I just want to know what do you about this :




  1. I'm not going to say anything but this.. if you so desire to learn more about this.. you need to read more about Magnetic levitation.  here's a WiKi

  2. many religion could be base on UFOs and ET sighting. Just look at the bible. Chariots of fire, Angles etc.

  3. It is very easy to make videos of space craft etc that look totally convincing.  Ask Steven Spielberg or George Lucas.  If space craft are visiting Earth, how come NOBODY has managed a clear, sharp photograph or film of them?

  4. I am a strong believer in UFOs and aliens and one of the most convincing things do with UFO history can be found here:

    If you look at the earliest sightings...they date back to the 1500's. And back then no vehicle existed that could make a light in the sky. Also thanks for the link you posted, very interesting.

  5. Sorry to be the skeptic , but I dont see evidence of UFOs here.

    Have a look at these links

    Its fine to have an open mind, but dont just believe everything you read on the internet, that includes the sources I posted!

    You need to have proper evidence for these things not just pictures taken out of context with a brief explanation.

  6. I had to laugh at Tunguska being mentioned as potential UFO crash - what a load of cobblers. It really pains me that there are some serious, credible Ufologists out there whose hard work is constantly undermined by the mountains of twaddle written on the subject.

    As far as the question goes, there's no reason to doubt that (assuming that some UFOs are alien space craft) UFOs have been visiting Earth for millennia. A lot of the so-called archaeological evidence a la Erich Von Daniken is based on conjecture and subjective interpretation - not exactly hard data. There are a few intriguing cases, however. I've linked to one of the below:

  7. Some, I think are clouds, but most of them look convincing I always had a strong believe there extra-terrestrial life somewhere.

  8. Someone needs to seriously google "Project bluebeam"...
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