
UK passport control: swipe reveals...what?

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Now, I'm curious :) I'm an EU citizen resident in the UK and travel quite a bit. Every time I return to the UK, my passport gets swiped and I wondered what data does it bring back to the official?




  1. everything the passport page says about you. If you are a resident to the UK or just your gender. Don't worry, its trying to keep the bad people out of this country.

  2. The micro chip has all your details, your signature and photograph in it. It also goes to a government computer so they can see how many times you are In and out of the country and for those on benefits it goes to the benefit agency, as you are not suppose to leave the country if claiming benefits.

  3. its more than answer 1 has said belive me.

  4. Confirms it's a valid passport but, more importantly, it will flag up any warnings put on the passport database about the passport and its user.

  5. Name, date of birth, country code of nationality, passport number, date of expiry, gender, type of passport. Generally everything that is on the photo page compressed down into two easy lines.

  6. everything about your citizenship in your country of residence. This includes everything You filled in to get the passport...Name, address, nationality, place of birth, family name, married, divorced, etc..

    It however also shows any criminal charges or outstanding warrants that may be active as well as all biometric information such as your fingerprints and data included to show you are who it says on the passport. Including a facial scan

    Any information the Home Office may have on you and how many times You have entered and last date of entry to the UK.Any visa infractions such as overstays, etc..

    Multiple entries to and from the UK obviously raises suspicion to border control and will induce more questioning unless there is viable explanation from your passport

  7. if a passports fake they will know as loads of passports are being stolen i've had one nicked by a big pension company in liverpool   guess what they didn't give a care

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