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When I started answering question on Yahoo, I hoped that I could help. Although I have always been aware that ignorant and stupid people buy dogs on a whim, I thought that the people who asked questions on this forum cared for their dogs. Perhaps they just like asking questions and ignore the sensible answers.

QUESTION I have a puppy who is six weeks old and he cries all night, what should I do.

STUPID ANSWER. Ignore it, it will eventually stop.

QUESTION. I came home from work tonight and my four month old puppy had peed and pooed in its cage, what should I do.

STUPID ANSWER, I think that it may have a urinary infection. Take it to the vets.

QUESTION. I have a new puppy and my older dog is objecting to it biting its neck and chewing its ears. I need advise.

STUPID ANSWER. Just let them get on with it and they will adjust after a few months.

STUPID QUESTION. I have a puppy which is four months old and I need to leave it for sixteen hours. Just on a one off basis, will it be OK.

STUPID ANSWER. Yes, don’t worry.

QUESTION. I leave for work at 7am and don’t get home until 5pm. should I get a puppy.

STUPID ANSWER. I have always left my puppies for this length of time. Get a puppy it will be fine.

A Huge percentage of the people who either ask or answer questions, just don't care and they do not have a clue about dogs. What do the caring owners think about this??




  1. some people dont have a clue let alone common sense i have seen a heard alot of stupid things on the net but i try my hardest not to let it upset me. Sounds bad but i love my animals an it breaks my heart.

    I understand that alot of people have different opinions about thing but some of the questions and answers a just plain old stupid.

    So i see were your coming from.

  2. I think they need help and as a trainer I run in to these things all the time.So you ether help by answering there questions the best you can or if it really gets to you let it go and move on to some thing else.Tilks Mom

  3. I am a committed dog lover and my dogs always come first.  I turn down extra shifts at work so that my dogs, who are now 2 and nearly 2 are never left for more than 4 hours.  I take my dogs to the vets as soon as I suspect a problem, and have been complimented by my vet that I know my dogs so well I have spotted an ear infection before the dog was in hardly any discomfort!  I groom them every day, check their nails and play with them, as well as walk them.  In return I am rewarded by having the best companions.  

    In balance I also have a life, and expect obedience and good behaviour when I am out of the house with or without them.  If they are home, they know that by being good they get rewarded with praise and cuddles (not treats, don't want fat greedy dogs!).  If they are with me they know we go fun places and play with a variety of other doggy friends so they have a chance to be well socialised.

    All this seems like commonsense to me??  If you can't give a dog the time, respect, care and love it deserves, then why not just get a cuddly toy?

  4. Some of the answers are not stupid but common sense. But leaving the puppy in a long period of time even though it's a one off is not fair on the puppy. Some owners are not uncaring it's just simply ignorance.

    Puppies is like a child. Needs attention 24hrs a day. I got three dogs, they're happy and content. I have a 4 month old puppy that whines at one stage but ignored, she's fine eventually stopped. I'm an animal lover. I care for my dogs. I never left them for a long period of time. Some people don't really deserve to have a dog, some people do. You have to think for yourselves if you think what you are going to do with your puppy is right or wrong.  

  5. Those of us who really love our pets just can't understand how other people feel about animals! One thing that people say that I just don't get is "He treats her like a dog." Well, excuse me, but all of my pets have been treated as well as my children. So if I were to treat someone like a dog. They would be treated well indeed.

  6. YA dog section is a way for dog-owners & lovers or a friend of someone that does can share opinions, stories, as well as answers to questions (though some that are posted not too desirable).

    Ultimately, we are all responsible for our own pets. I have only been a member not too long but I have read some really good answers to most of the questions.

    Sadly this is the real world, we have some well-informed, truelly caring people towards dogs that visit this group, while others are in it for the points(no offense).  

  7. I see this all the time and wonder if these people have ever really had a dog!

    It is that they are just unknowing and ill informed.  I doubt if they have ever really raised a dog from the time it was a puppy!  

    I would shudder to think people really did those things but being here for as long as I have nothing surprises me any more!  

  8. This is yahoo answers and you will see this type of A & Q everyday many times a day.

  9. Misinformation is part of life unfortunately. It happens in the "real" world, it happens on the interweb, it happens on Y! Answers. I guess we have to hope that those people who come on here looking for genuine advice have the commonsense not to just take one answer and run with it and that they do other research as well.

    I think that many of the "stupid" answers come from kids, at least they have that vibe about them, possibly very immature, uneducated adults in some cases... Hopefully these answerers will also do some reading of other answers and maybe do some googling and learn something and next time give a better answer.

    I kinda feel that if i just impart a little bit of sane, informative advice that gets through to one person each time i'm on here then it's ok.  

  10. haha, thanks for posting that! That was funny to read! I agree with you. but it is said in a way. I really hope people don't take some of this advice to heart!

  11. Great examples :)

    I guess there's just a lot of people who are genuinely clueless, thru no fault of their own I might add. I take it for granted that people learn about such things as caring for animals thru life experience as I've been brought up with animals around me my whole life, so when I decided to get a dog myself I had no worries.

    However, I do appreciate that there are many people who are not so privileged and simply don't know how to handle a pet, usually you can spot these people. Others are simply mean, cruel and probably shouldn't be allowed a pet in any case (vis a vis leaving a puppy for 16hrs as a one-off!!).

    It's a crazy world!

    But I see alot of good advice and good opinions here which tends to outweigh the horror stories :)

  12. You have to understand common sense goes out the window when the human being thinks it is far superior than the animal. 90% of them do not know we all share the land and sea and when you have the grate gift of a dog in your life it becomes a member of the family and deserves to be treated as you would a best friend. i have seen all to often how the human beast abuse and mistreat there gift, when an owner shout's at his dog just because the dog wants to greet him with a wagging tail and a little bark when the owner ignores him. all the dog wants is a little pat on the head, a stroke, just a few seconds of time will make there day. society says you have to have a licence for your animal, i say the owner should have a licence to keep an animal and only get a licence after training in " how to look after the animal " and every year like an mot on the car have to take there animal for inspection and to update themselves on the latest thinking on care for your pet

    Please don't get to down, i have also met a huge amount of caring  owners.

    Have a nice day

  13. I agree with you totally! Some of the questions, answers and advice given on this site is really scary and off the wall. You would think that some of these people would use a little common sense!

    Questions like this one! My dog, has a whole on the side of it's head, and it's laying on the floor bleeding and convulsing. Does anyone know of any home remedies to help my dog, because I can't afford a vet right now?

    Answer: Take a rag, and put some pressure on the wound. Also put some gauze in the wound! As soon as all the bleeding stops, then wrap it in some gauze. Your dog will be fine! Don't waste your money on a vet, there is no need for one!

    People on here claiming to be veterinarians and misleading other posters, that don't know any better. I think veterinarians are a little too busy, to be answering questions on this site!

    I wonder how many people on here actually take some of this advise given, instead of doing what they are supposed to and using common sense, by getting their dogs to the vet!

    I wonder how may people who take some of this scary advise, actually took it, and now wonder, why that advise did not work!

    I can't stand it, when people say they can't afford to take their dog to a vet. As far as I'm concerned, if you can't afford to take your dog to the vet or properly take care of it, then you should not have a dog in the first place!

    I can't stand irresponsible BYB, that don't take responsibility and get their dogs Spayed and Neutered!

    I can't stand irresponsible BYB, that come on here after breeding their dogs and ask, What do I do now?

    I could go on and on!!!

  14. I like the licence idea.  I agree with you 100%.  The one about the puppy in the crate, what, do the owners not pee and p**p?  What idiots!!  How retarded is that!  I might add something later.
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