
US Supreme Court Judges?

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Can someone give me a brief summary of the judges' political persuasion? For instance, I know Scalia and Thomas are conservatives, but if you were to put the judges on a line, left being the most liberal and right being the most conservative, where would each judges fall?

If possible, please cite sources. Thanks




  1. Most conservative, Alito, Thomas Scalia, The Chief Justice Roberts,, Kennedy, Smith , Souter, Breyer ,Ginsburg in that order.

  2. The conventional wisdom, which is basically right, is that Stevens, Breyer, Ginsburg, and Souter are liberal.  Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito are conservative.  And Kennedy is a moderate.

  3. Most liberal: John Paul Stevens: "Stevens tended to side with the more liberal-leaning Justices on issues such as abortion rights, g*y rights and federalism... A 2003 statistical analysis of Supreme Court voting patterns, however, found Stevens the most liberal member of the Court"

    Most conservative: Antonin Gregory Scalia: "Appointed by Republican President Ronald Reagan, he is considered to be a core member of the conservative wing of the court....Scalia's originalism frequently puts him on the conservative side of the Court in constitutional cases, and he is generally perceived as a conservative member of the court. He has received the lowest Segal-Cover score of the current justices, and the lowest of all Supreme Court nominees measured; whereby the lower the score the more conservative a justice is presumed to be, and the higher the score the more liberal a justice is presumed to be. In a 2003 statistical analysis of Supreme Court voting patterns, Scalia (and Justice Thomas) emerged as the most conservative"

  4. Chief Roberts- ultra conservative pro-corporation, anti-civil rights

    Alito- same as roberts

    Scalia- same as Roberts

    Thomas- almost always sides with Scalia, never writes the opinion majority or minority, and almost never asks questions when cases come before the court

    Souter- more liberal

    Breyer- more liberal

    Ginsberg- more liberal

    Kennedy - more right but drifts to the middle

    Stevens - more left but drifts to the middle

  5. John G. Roberts, Jr., Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr are conservative.

    John Paul Stevens, David Hackett Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer are Liberal.

    Anthony M. Kennedy is moderate leaning Liberal.

  6. Hello,,ever heard of a circle jerk? well that's the intentions of the supreme court,,keep it going in circles until the retirement kicks in.

  7. Why does it matter? They are supposed to be nonpartisan, and hopefully/presumeably all of them are.

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