
USERS' HABITS - Royal Poll #1?

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1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach

2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude?

3. Do you like to be spooned?

4. Do you snore?

5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol

6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?

7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always

8. Do you remember your dreams

9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light

10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper?

BONUS Q: with whom would you like to sleep ?




  1. 1, side




    5,don't know

    6,have a piiss




    10,no and no, unless piissed.

    bonus q; you look nice.

  2. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach?  SIDE

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude? DESNUDO

    3. Do you like to be spooned? SI

    4. Do you snore? POCO

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol SI

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? BRUSH TEETH

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always NO

    8. Do you remember your dreams SOME

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light NATURAL

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper?YESSSS

    BONUS Q: with whom would you like to sleep ? HMQT

  3. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach? Duno, I'm asleep at the time!

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude? Underwear

    3. Do you like to be spooned? Yes

    4. Do you snore? No

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol ? I'm asleep, how should I know?:S

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? Have a meal

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always?  sometimes

    8. Do you remember your dreams? rarely

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light? maid

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper? sleep like the dead

  4. 1.side/stomach

    2.under wear



    6.have a wee ham shank


    10. easy

  5. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach..... side and stomach

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude?.... underwear

    3. Do you like to be spooned?..... very much

    4. Do you snore?...... nope

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol.... I don't know, I'm sleeping

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?.... drink a glass of milk

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always... never

    8. Do you remember your dreams... yes

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light.... it depends, I don't have to wake up early

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper?.... I can't fall asleep before 4 AM no matter what I do but when I do not even a war could wake me up

    BONUS Q: with whom would you like to sleep ?... right now, whoever wants to sleep with me ;)

  6. 1. Side / Back

    2. Just any old clothes

    3. What does that mean

    4. No

    5. I sleep alone

    6. Read

    7. No

    8. NO But mY sis does!!! >:(

    9. Both

    10. No!

  7. 1 it really doesn't matter, any of them

    2 a shirt and a short so pyjamas i guess

    3 no

    4 no

    5 no

    6 read or just think

    7 sometimes

    8 i wish

    9 weekdays alarm weekends natural light

    10 i wish

  8. 1. side

    2. underwear

    3. :-)

    4. nope

    5. :-)

    6. read

    7. water bottle

    8. yes

    9. I use an alarm for school days, cause i have to be up at 6am

    10. no, no

  9. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach-Back(usually)

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude?-Pyjamas

    3. Do you like to be spooned?-Would I?probably

    4. Do you snore?Sometimes.

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol?Doesn't matter since I can't feel a thing

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?check the time, remove my glasses and switch of the light.

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always?yeah

    8. Do you remember your dreams?yeah,especially the s*x dreams

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light-My maa wakes me up.

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper?Yeah I do and I sleep like a log.

  10. 1. All Around, mostly side or half stomach half side kinda thing

    2. Undies and those shirt

    3. ...

    4. Nope

    5. Depends where... My hair sure :D

    6. look at the time

    7. No, water bottles sometimes

    8. Some

    9. Natural unless I have to be somewhere

    10. No, but I am a somewhat a heavy sleeper when tired

    Bonus Q: Oh there are many options

  11. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach USUALLY THE SIDES, SOMETIMES STOMACH

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude? W/E IM WEARING DURING THE DAY LOL

    3. Do you like to be spooned? YA

    4. Do you snore? NO

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol YEA :p

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? SWITCH OFF THE LIGHTS

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always YEEPPP

    8. Do you remember your dreams NEVER :|

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light NATURAL LIGHT

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper? IM MEDIUM

    BONUS Q: with whom would you like to sleep ? MIMI

  12. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach? Stomach

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude? sometimes pjs and sometimes underwear

    3. Do you like to be spooned? sure thing ;)

    4. Do you snore? nope, i hope not

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol? only by a certain person ;)

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? pray.. sometimes

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always? nope

    8. Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes I do

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light My alarm

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper? Depends how tired I am and yea, sometimes I am a heavy sleeper

    BONUS Q: with whom would you like to sleep ? Marco ;)

  13. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach - umm side... i think

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude - pyjamas

    3. Do you like to be spooned - uhmm wha/

    4. Do you snore - no

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol - uhmm no thanks

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed - listen to the radio

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always - yeah

    8. Do you remember your dreams - sumtimes

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light - alarm

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper - easily

    BONUS Q - with whom would you like to sleep: uhmm never mind

  14. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach = SIDE OR BACK

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude? = UNDERWEAR ( I TEND TO GET A LITTLE COLD WHEN I'M ALONE)

    3. Do you like to be spooned? = LOL. FUNNY WORD

    4. Do you snore? = NO. I HAVE TO BE REALLY TIRED

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep . SOOTHED YES, BUT WAKING ME UP THAT I OVERSLEPT! NO!

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? =  turn off the light

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always = no

    8. Do you remember your dreams = YES

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light = BY MY BIOLOGICAL CLOCK

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper? NO SO MUCH BUT ICAN HEAVE SLEEP


  15. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach..side or tummy

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude? knickers usually

    3. Do you like to be spooned? Why not

    4. Do you snore? Not that I know of

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol..depends

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? Brush teeth

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always..yes

    8. Do you remember your dreams..9 times out of ten

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light..naturally

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper? no and no

    BONUS Q: with whom would you like to sleep ?  that's my secret :)

  16. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach? Mostly on my stomach... so comfy!

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude?: PJ's

    3. Do you like to be spooned?: Haha... I sleep alone.

    4. Do you snore?: Nope.

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep? lol: Nope. That makes me have nightmares.

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?: Pray... or listen to music.

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always?: No, I have a bottle.

    8. Do you remember your dreams?: Sometimes, just the really, REALLY weird ones!

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light?: Alarm. There's no natural light when I get up.

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper?: Nope, I awake by any sudden movement so no sneaking up on me...

    BONUS Q: One day, with my husband. But now, alone!

  17. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach ... side

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude? ... Knickers

    3. Do you like to be spooned? ... yes

    4. Do you snore? ... i dont know!

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol ... yes

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? ... toilet

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always ... no

    8. Do you remember your dreams ... rarely do

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light ... naturally at 7.00am each morning

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper? ... yes, unless ive got lots on my mind

    Bonus Q ... not saying ... sshhh, its a secret! ;-)

  18. 1. Lol, all three, i move around a lot

    2. PJ's

    3. Yup i do :)

    4. Probably lol

    5.Yeah (:

    6. Listen to music

    7. Nope

    8. Some of them

    9. Lol, my mum wakes me up :P

    10. I sleep very easily and i am a very heavy sleeper

    Bonus Q: lol, thats for me to know...


  19. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach-stomach

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude?-pyjamas

    3. Do you like to be spooned?-no

    4. Do you snore?-used to,but after i had an operation on my nose,i stopped

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol-no

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?-do a few workouts

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always-never

    8. Do you remember your dreams-rarely

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light-whenever i feel like it

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper?-easily.depends how sleepy i feel

    BONUS Q: with whom would you like to sleep ?-fabregas lol

  20. 1. Back

    2. Underwear

    3. No thanks

    4. Nah

    5. No

    6. Ps3 Online

    7. Nope

    8. Yes

    9. None of them

    10. No

    BONUS Q: On my own

  21. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach? Stomach mostly...sometimes side!

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude? Pyjamas!

    3. Do you like to be spooned? sure!

    4. Do you snore? No, no , no!

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol......okey doke!

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? turn off the light usually

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always? yeah!  

    8. Do you remember your dreams? umm...rarely but sometimes i do and then they're the freaky dreams that you never wanted to remember.

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light? Natural light...I'm always awake before the alarm clock.

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper? Easily! i sleep on trains, buses, cars...any form of public transport really.  I once slept through two house parties! and one was in my house!

    Johnny Depp....he must be more than twice my age but i love him! <3

  22. 1. On my stomach or side

    2. Underwear (no tshirt) or nude

    3. Yups

    4. No

    5. Sure

    6. Brush my teeth and take my contacts out

    7. Never

    8. Most of the time

    9. Alarm

    10. Easily but it's coz I sleep 5 hrs a night so am knackered by the time I go to bed. Im a normal sleeper.

    BONUS ANSWER: Imilya, aka Rapture

  23. 1. Side

    2. All of the above

    3. No

    4. no

    5. depends

    6. close my eyes

    7. no

    8. depends

    9. i set my alarm just in case but usually wake up before it

    10. No, i'm a very light sleeper.

  24. 1. Do you sleep on your side, back or stomach?side

    2. Do you sleep in pyjamas, underwear or in the nude?Pjs

    3. Do you like to be spooned ?no

    4. Do you snore?no

    5. Do you like being touched when you sleep lol?yes

    6. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?brush my teeth

    7. Do you have a glass of water next to you always ?yes

    8. Do you remember your dreams?not all of them

    9. Do you wake up by an alarm or by natural light? alarm

    10. Do you fall asleep easily and are heavy sleeper?not always

  25. 1. side

    2. grundies

    3. why not

    4. no, but i do talk

    5. depends where and how hard !?!

    6. hope i can get to sleep before i need to get up

    7. usually

    8. only the strange ones

    9. barely sleep in the first place

    10. no, the word insomniac springs to mind...

    bonus Q; a hypnotist?

  26. 1 side

    2 nude

    3 yes

    4 only when i got a cold

    5 oh yeh

    6 hmm lol

    7 yes

    8 most of the time

    9 my little girl jumping on my head normaly works

    10 no and yes

    Bonus q i better say the wife

    there you go happy now your maj lol

  27. 1-Stomach usually, if I sleep on my back I tend to get sleep paralysis and have bad dreams LMAO

    2-Usually a short and a t-shirt in the hotter seasons, and sweaters in the colder seasons

    3-LMAO h**l no, I'll always be the "big spoon", never the "little spoon"

    4-Very rarely and lightly

    5-depends on what you mean by being touched lol

    6-watch TV



    9-I wake up by my natural mental alarm, seriously, if I have something important, I'll always wake up on my own long before my alarm clock.

    10- no and no

    BONUS A:  Am I even allowed to say anyone else besides the Queen? No? OK.

  28. 1. Side

    2. Underwear

    3. Nope

    4. Nope

    5. From certain someone

    6. Pee lol

    7. No, i have maid/servant aka grandma

    8. Mostly

    9. The only thing that can wake me up are hard slaps or water in face or Maria's kisses :D

    10. Yes and soo yesss

    BQ: With Maria Verace

  29. 1.stomach i think


    4.friends tell me i do but THEY HAVE TO BE LIEING

    5.lmao yeah i guess?

    6.put my phone on charge




    BQ:dunno! umm leona lewis reeoooow

  30. lol wow what a question

    1. Side

    2. Underwear

    3. Yea

    4. No

    5. Yes

    6. Umm, pee ?

    7. Nope

    8. Sometimes yes sometimes not

    9. Natural light

    10. easily

    BQ : my gf someday haha

  31. 1. Belly

    2. For me to know

    3. No

    4. No

    5. No

    6. Go to loo

    7. No

    8. Yes

    9. Alarm - well, boyfriend

    10. Yes

    Nobody, happy with my John!

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