
USPS lost my package, EBAY?

by Guest33508  |  earlier

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I recently purchased an expensive wallet from Ebay which was $200. I paid on time through paypal and the seller shipped it the next day. I got the tracking # and tracked it until it arrived in my office. It said it was delivered last Friday, 2/29 @ 9:45am. I went to the mail room and there was nothing there. our mail room clerk told me that USPS did not come yet, they usually come in the afternoon and told me to check back later. i checked every hour since that day, USPS DID come but my package was nowhere to be found. i contacted the seller and she told me she had insurance & delivery confirmation paper so i asked her to file a claim with her local post office, she told me she tried but they told her she couldn't cuz the papers were on the package and were scanned as "delivered". i checked our company's logbook of when USPS did come, and they came @ 10:34am which means they scanned the package before it left the the post office, nething could've happened in btw that time.watshouldido




  1. DONT BUY A $200 WALLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. Use UPS or FedEx.

    Sounds like it would cost waaay more in legal fees than $200 to set this one straight.

    Do not blame the seller, the have done all they can.

    BTW, why did you ship it to the office, someone there may have pilfered it?

  3. It may have been scanned before leaving the PO, but it is also possible that your PO uses a Parcel Delivery person rather than the regular Carrier on heavier days. In that case, the carrier may have been scanning a bunch of packages destined for business addresses at the same time.

    Just because your mailroom logbook shows a time differeing from what you are seeing online, does not mean that the logbook is entirely correct either. What strikes me is that you were told that USPS had not come yet, and you checked several times throughout the day on the arrival of USPS. Then suddenly, oh, they were here at 1034 this morning.

    Doesn't that strike you as a little strange? If there were some sort of pilfering going on, the thief can just as easily alter or falsify a logbook entry.

    As far as the Insurance claim is concerned, You are going to have a tough time with that. Paypal is not going to do much for you because the Delivery Confirmation is showing a delivery scan.

    In this case, you should make a mail theft report to the Postal Inspection Service, online, as well as your local Police department.

    Did you happen to mention to anyone in the mailroom that you were expecting this package with the expensive item in it? Even if you might have casually mentioned it, and someone overheard and decided to lift it, I would certainly encourage you to again casually mention that it appears to have been stolen and also announce that you have contacted the Postal Inspectors, because mail theft is a felony. Maybe also mention that you have contacted the Police. Inform the people in the mailroom that they may be asked for a statement and/or interviewed about what they might have seen.

    It has happened in the past, that the package suddenly appears. The wrapper might be messed up a bit, but most petty thieves do not want to mess with the Postal Inspectors, nor even want to hear the word "Felony".

    Good Luck. Feel free to contact me if you think that I might be able to help any further. If it is a postal thief, I want them caught as much as you do. We do not tolerate mail theft inside either. That is grounds for immediate dismissal, period.

  4. well if its not insured u r outta luck, when buying expensive stuff always add insurance. by the way USPS suck a$$,

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