
Ughhhhhh help!!!!!!!!!

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my little sister keeps touching my b***s like i will be playing with her and she lightley touches them i can tell she does it on purpose but not noticeable enough to confront her what do i do and why does she do that.




  1. tell her to quit touching your boobies!

  2. how old is she? she is probably just curious.

  3. She's a little girl, she is probably just curious! I wouldn't worry about it. If she is older then 8, I would tell your mom about it, and just have her talk to your sister. She probably wants to have some herself if she is around 8. I hope this helps!

  4. well how old is she there might actually be a reason for it

  5. She's just interested in them, probably wishes she had her own. Tell her to knock it off.

  6. be lik noooo sweety ...

    i went through that lil kids are normally curious.

  7. She is probably just curious as to what they are and why they are getting bigger and hers are not. Curiosity is probably all it is.

  8. How old is She????

  9. Ewww my little sister did that. They're just kids. But just get up and walk away. If she does that again explain to her she cant touch you there. And end it.

  10. really, it depends how old she is.

  11. if she is like a baby then thats sorta normal...but like older than 6 thats when they know not to...or should know  

  12. How old is she?

    Young. She doesn't know what they are and trying to learn.

    Older. She wants some.

  13. hahahah

    aw, well how old is she?

    She might be curious.

    i doubt L*****n. especially if she is young.

    OR it might a sign of her sexuality?

    but most likely, shes just curious

    and wonder's how they feel/wishes she had some.

    you should just ask her!

  14. ew that is really strange.. if she is like five or younger.. then o well she is a little kid.. but if she is older..  I dont know.. u should just ask her what the deal is..

  15. She's probably just curious, depending on how old she is. I remember when I was 6 I would brush my hands across my mom's b***s because I thought it was nice, soft, and squishy right there :)

    Just tell her, "Please don't touch there, it's a sensitive spot!"

  16. tell her that isnt nice to do to you.

    my little brother who is four told me to take off my shirt...godd how uncomfortable it was

  17. How old is she? Maybe she just got over breast feeding.
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