
Ugly?? Need help!? Hair help btw!?

by Guest62369  |  earlier

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i cut my hair the other day, and because of my stupid mom, my hairdresser cut it a bit to short, my bangs turned out nice but now my hairs barley touching my shoulder, (its wavy) if i straigthen it looks nice, but it takes about 2 hours to straight it almost! what should i do?




  1. get a japanese straight perm.

  2. Don't worry about it, give it some time and your hair will adjust. I mean that happens to me all the time. When my hair is fresh from a new hair cut, it looks so fuzzy but after some time with conditioner treatments, hair oil and all, it starts to look good, so just give it some time. and bdw, does it really take two hours to straighten, shoulder length hair? I don't think so, 45 mins maximum .. Been there, done that XD

  3. just get it permanently straightened by then your hair would be long enough and it would look good

  4. it shouldnt take that long i have really thick, curly/wavy hair that is long, it used to take me that long to straighten it now about 30-45mins

    put hair in sections, i start out putting my hair up like how youd out half of your hair up and half down.

    so starting with the down half, divide that hair so you have 2 sections and put a pony tail holder around both, take one of the pony tails and take out a section that will work in your straightener, that section of hair divide that into two parts (top and bottom) always straighten the bottom one first and then straighten the top part, and keep doing that.

    for the top half you do that same thing

  5. Get some GHDS or better hair straightners that dont take 2 hours to straighten it dont know what you can do other than wait for it to grow back are buy a wig lol.

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