
Uh...where'd my Q go?

by  |  earlier

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I just asked my first (and second) question *ever* in Y!A. One was here (or supposed to be here) in the adoption forum. And for those of you who are planning to tell me that this Q doesn't belong here...I put it here intentionally. I'm hoping to get answers from some who post here a lot because I'll have a head start on who (in my opinion) gives me the best answer / explanation.

My first Q, intended for this forum, is not -- as far as I can tell -- anywhere. My 5 points are gone. The screen 'told' me it was posted. It's there in my profile as an "open question" (as of just a few seconds ago). But if I look in the adoption list, it's not here. When I 'look' at the Q from inside my profile it looks like it's in Home>Pregnancy & Parenting>Adoption. What gives? Is there a period of waiting before the Q actually shows up? Is it available to people other than me in the list? Am I crazy? (That was rhetorical.) :-)

Thanks in advance for any helpful answers. (Not so much for the non-helpful ones.) I will award a best answer myself. Cheers!




  1. You're not crazy, don't worry. It takes ages for some questions to show up. It took 24 hours for one of my questions to show up and I was worried that I had just lost points for no reason.

  2. Dear Botz,

    If it was reported and therefore removed, you will be sent a violation email.  Don't take it personally.  We have all had questions reported.  You now are a full fledged member of y!a adoption, congrats:)

    There is a lag time.  If it still doesn't show up, ask again.  

  3. Sometimes, I think the software hiccups.  

    Try reposting it?  If it comes up twice, you can always delete one.

  4. There seems to be a tremendous lag time between the time you post the question and the time it actually shows up.  Hope it shows...I'd like to see it!

  5. they don't always immidiately get posted.  i imagine it has to do w/ how fast the server is.  anyway, i know i've waited for several minutes to see some of my Qs.  keep checking.

  6. This has happened to me too!  I ask a question in several sections and it never posts, but yet it still shows that it is posted in my Questions, plus lose the 5 points.

    One time, my question showed up days later with a response and I never saw it posted?

    I think it is just a messed up system.  Sometimes it does take some time for back-up, but if it has been several minutes, I think it just gets lost somewhere.

    Try again with the same questions...It is nothing personal.

  7. How quick your question appears depends on how busy the server is. It can take from minuets to hours to appear. But your time dose not start until it appears.
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