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i think i may have adhd. im 13 and i can never concentrate when doin homework no matter the circumstance. and i have a very short temper and sometimes get vicious and physical when in a fight with either my cousin or even my mom. do u think i have it? what should i do?




  1. my best friend has adhd and she has a hard time concentraiting on doing things but takes medication for it. before you go see a doctor i think you should try to do homework in a quite place with no one else and see if that helps you concentrate. fighting could just be stress and hormones ( you're a teen it happens) so see if that helps and try to relax. i dont think you have adhd because you would be hyper and jittery. if your problem still persists talk to your mom about it and scedual a doctors appointment

  2. talk to someone like your mom, your doctor, a school nurse or even a teacher.

  3. You'll need to be examined and tested by a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist to be certain. Talk to your parents if you can, or to a teacher you trust.

    Good Luck! I have ADD and I'm 46 years old. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 32. Once you know if you have it, then you can work on dealing with it in a productive way.

  4. I have adhd...and that is what I tend to be like without my adhd meds...I have started taking a new medicine calld vyvanse(workd miralces)

    butcha my advice would be to go and talk to your mom....and then ask her to find you a doctor tha specializes in mental disorders :)

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