
Uk athelitcis waste of lottery money?

by  |  earlier

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compared to the rest of Team UK at the olympics our athletics's team was useless our 100m men can't even change a baton what a waste of lottery money..




  1. Yes.

  2. I would say spare a thought for the Americans but they don't need it.

  3. Yep are Track and Field athletes are a bunch of over hyped prema Donna's, as Micheal Johnson says the problem with uk sprinters is that they are famous house hold names without ever having to win anything. Look at Mark Lewis Francis. Money better off spent elsewhere.

  4. So what's your alternative? Zero funding so that we don't have any GB competitors in athletics? I don't think you'd like that.

  5. I see where you're coming from and i agree. Britain is not a country that will ever be a driving force in the athletics. I think it would be harsh not to support British athletics at all but i think Britain could win more in the swimming. So maybe some of the funds could be re-distributed persay.

  6. Another vote for David H (no relation) here. I don't care if our sportsmen and women don't win (though it's very nice when they do). It's the fact that they train hard and give it everything that matters to me. Makes me proud to be British.

  7. Who are you to comment when you cant even spell athletics?

  8. totally agree with david h what a stupid question and how wrong you actually are!!

  9. I totally agree, waste of money.

  10. UK wasnt good because GB have finally stopped poaching the Caribbean sprinters and it has reflected in Jamaica's success at these games.  

  11. Shame on you for even saying that ,every one try hard and for you to belittle them is a disgrace

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