
Ukbb9 get darnell out!!!?

by  |  earlier

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team darnell is no more.

i have supported darnell since the first week but now he can go to h**l..!!

The way he conducted himself last night was simply disgusting.

You simply cannot speak to anyone like the way he did let alone a woman.

At the end of the day he has only known sara a few weeks, what gives him the right to swear at her like that because he has his own insecurities.

If sara was my sister, i would break his neck, the moment he got out of there, which i now hope is as soon as possible.

Early last week there was a chance that he could actually win the show but after last night he has lost all credibility.

Who else was disgusted??




  1. Agree totally tony  what a disgusting low life . Does BB think it is acceptable behaviour. someone should have a word

  2. she deserves it if she leads people on. darnell speaks his mind

  3. I totally agree! He was just out of order. What gives him the right to speak to a woman like that? He saw his chance when Rex started teasing Sara, but it was obvious that Rex was oking and Darnell wasn't. I'm surprised that BB hasn't removed him from the house yet! The public are going to evict him as soon as they get a chance. He was a strong contender - not anymore!

  4. I remember thinking to myself "well done Darnell mate, you've just blown any chances you had of winning" because before that I backed him for the win. I was a little shocked that he did it because he and Sara got on well together I thought and to say what he said is horrible. And when she was in the diary room, he was calling her ugly behind her back when she is the best looking person in the house was cowardly and harsh.

  5. We have vacancies in Team Rachel

  6. Totally unacceptable cant believe he has not been called into the diary room over the verbal abuse he is giving to Sara ,poor excuse for a man ,lots of boos await him I bet.

  7. Well i have never liked him he is a disgrace the way he called sarah even after Rex apologised he still couldn't say sorry to the poor girl i must also say her voice really gets on my nerves.

  8. I totally agree.

    I liked him too but now he has just turned plain NASTY, especially to Sara &&,, I really feel sorry for her ! Poor girl. Calling her an ugly ***** &&, a s**t how fxcking nasty !! Hope he fxcking goes tonight now. Get him out !!


  9. i was thinking whats up with bb why don't they punish him for what he said to sara get him evicted he has no right to say she is ugly he needs to take a look at is self hes no brad pit his he get him out bb

  10. Thank God the Darnell team have started to see the truth at last!

  11. i    have     wanted     darnell     to    win      from      day   1      .     i    honestly     couldnt     believe    what    he     was     saying      to     sara .       i     felt     so     sorry     for    her.  

    darnell     had    his    motives   though  .      he    said     he      wanted     her     to     get     the     sympathy      vote .    

    darnell   is    having     too    many     tantrums    lately        he   should    stop      throwing     his    dummy     out    of    his     pram  .

    i    think    he    will    go    today  .

      for     some    reason      i    dont     think    darnell   ever     wanted    tto    win   .

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