
Ultra lean green tea?

by  |  earlier

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wait. so can this product be bought in stores and is it cheaper or no?




  1. Nope, me and a friend looked at stores all over the area and finally just ordered from 'cause you cannot get it anywhere locally. Everyone I have asked has also said the same thing.. have to order online.

    The cheapest you're going to get is the deal at where you get the free 30 day trial or whatever.

  2. in my opinion, i think you're trying to push your product on the Yahoo Answers community. shame on you.  

    If I am correct, the yahoo answers community will know that the best green tea is freshly brewed green tea and not something that comes out of a tube, thank you very much.

  3. What?

    Lean means low fat. Tea does not have fat to begin with so what sense does this even make?

    Cheaper? Well if someone is playing word games you can be sure it is to take advantage of the growing health conscious public who do not have much knowledge about products. I bet it costs more than every other green tea you can get in any store across the country.

    EDIT: ADD:

    After just looking at the home page that the previous poster mentioned this is just another diet ploy. Yes green tea, ANY GREEN TEA, helps increase motabolism, reduct appitite, and more. However there is no way you can rely on green tea along to get great weight loss results. Just like with all other diet ploys out there that say you get such great results with just one thing. What a bunch of c**p.

    Eat less, Exercise more is the best thing to do. Stuff to help: Proper nutrition, plenty of water, green tea, carb blockers, and several other items that specificlaly do all of the things that we want when we are trying to loose weight.

  4. lean?.. since when was green tea not lean?

    like is there a "fat green tea"?  

    sorry, but ive never heard of this product...
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