
Um my little sister?

by Guest62962  |  earlier

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my little sister is only like 9 she is turning 10 in like 3 weeks

well to school she wears things like skinny jeans graphic tees big hair vans she is like hardcore emo

does that kind of bug you

it kind of bugs me because some days in the morning i look at her and she looks better than me and she's like 5 years younger than me!!

tell me if that bugs you or not




  1. My little sister is like the same age and that would kind of bug me if she looked better. People would probably think she's cute not better looking. I think its kinds of weird that you sister is emo at age ten.

  2. Well im the youngest in my family and when i was younger i would try to do cool thing for my sister to notice. Maybe shes just trying to get attention. But yes i kind of find that annoying. But really,there's nothing you can really do about it. Try getting a little closer to her and telling her (in a kind way) You look good in the clothes you wear but it kind of bugs me that your younger than me and you dress like your my age. She'll either respect it or she wont. If she doesnt you'll just have to deal with it.

    Hope i didnt sound like shrink or anything.. :]

  3. I would be upset too if I had a younger sister that looked better... I think the whole "scene" trend is so rediculous, but I admit, I kind of like the big hair :P

  4. As her big sis, you should do what you can to support your little sister. If she looks better than you, then do what you can to bring yourself up and make yourself look better instead of trying to dog on her and bring her down. Sisters are supposed to be there for each other; not criticize and try to find ways to make themselves feel bad. My older sister always did that to me, and we haven't talked to each other in 2 years because I couldn't deal with the constant criticism. I just wanted to be like her and she didn't want that and was jealous. You don't want to be me and my sister years from now...
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