Question: fight......

by  |  earlier

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I have two cats Brooklyn and Fluffy...Brooklyn had kittens and they decided since the father left they were gonna become L*****n and raise the kittens together but then they started fighting over how to raise them Brooklyn wanted to feed them and then let them go on their own but Fluffy said they needed love and attention and to be cleaned every once and a while so they broke up and are fighting for custody of the 3 kittens.Do u think Brooklyn or Fluffy should get them?Or should they just work out their differences for the sake of the kittens?They both have milk to feed them.




  1. Are they fighting or kind of sharing? I had 3 free roamers that were all nursing at the same time so the litters got mixed up and all 3 of the mothers fed all 3 litters. One of the cats even stole another's kittens and took them away from her into the woods. As long as the kittens are healthy and happy I don't think it really matters who has them.

  2. ok well they need some family therapy....

    good luck with your kitties!!



  3. They need to work things out, or they'll be fighting forever!

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