
Underage drinking question?!?!?!?

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i am 15 years old......alright i go to alot of parties at my dads friends house because i know his son and we have alot of people over and we all ride dirtbikes and stuff during the day and when night comes we all start drinking (alot of underage drinking like 15-16-18 year olds)and all that my dad doesnt care if i drink but only if im around and not doing crazy **** so i get pretty wasted. is this much of a problem if i dont get caught? is my dad a bad person for doing this and my mom doesnt know? (she would kill me)

help, thanks!




  1. Most parents would probably see a huge problem with it.  I don't think it's bad, just don't be riding dirt bikes after you've started drinking.  That screams trouble.  Are your parents married?  I don't think that's a wise move on his part at all to be letting you do that behind her back.

  2. Yea, I was pretty much in the same situation. But, I got really really drunk one time off about 2  bottles (the medium sized ones)  of JD's. passed out, threw up while I was passed out (I'm so lucky I didn't die), and woke up half naked on the floor with my best guy friend (at the time) on top of me. I found my clothes and ran out of the house (His entire family was in the living room watching me)  and the kicker was, I didn't even know that I had mine, and his throw up all over me. I was walking the streets completely belligerent and hysterically crying until my mother found me (I was 15). And I threw up on my brand new phone and ruined it. the moral of the story is, alcohol is a horrible substance and makes you do crazy things. The sad part about my story is that I don't remember a thing. So many bad things could have happened to me, and you if  your not careful. So my advice is, if your going to drink do it around your family. Because they are the only ones who will not take advantage of you and most importantly stop you at your limit even when you dont know what it is.

  3. personally I think its crazy if a dad of a 15 year old girl is going to let her go out and get wasted, and all he cares about is if you don't get caught. So yeah its pretty dumb of your dad hes just showing that he doesn't really give a thing about anything.. and seriously what kind of dad wants to even see or know that there daughter is getting wasted...

    whats the world coming to?

  4. it is illegal...but if you and your dad are cool w/ it, then does anything else really matter?

  5. its illegal, listen to me now, STOPP! stopp stop stopp!!!!!

    you could get caught, and ur father could go to jail for letting you!

  6. if your in wisconsin its perfectly legal.

  7. its illegal. so yes. you would get in serious trouble if you are cought. Myfriend was at a graduate party and everyone was drinking. she was the ONLY person not arrested and put into jail for like a day, Dont drink. it screws up your brain. It will haunt you in the future and you will always regret it.

  8. STOP DRINKING RIGHT THIS VERY DAY!If you can stop, if you can't stop get help right now!If you are caught your dad will go to jail,and so will you; your dad's responsibilities has lapsed badly! He is supposed to be making sure you and your mom has a happy life (TOGETHER), not with mom out & and her son & husband in jail; or you will be in the juvenile court systems, where its like a maze, you'll never get outbecause you'll be so drunk you won't care. I have a question for you?I'll explain my question & why I ask you in a minute ok? Which would you rather do? ride your bikes with your friends, go to the movies, watch tv, talk on the phone,in other words do what you know is right with you and your friends,go outside and look at the beautiful sunshine, or drink, keep drinking till you and your friends are tanked,pass out, be caught,(you won't know that you have been caught) because you and your friends will be passed out, end up in jail (that is after you woke up, and found you couldn't go outside w/o permission, no more bikes, no more sunshine, no more anything? [My explanation for you] shortened I thought it was cool to drink when my mom and dad didn't seem to care what I did,I drank for 25, yrs.(1 minute too long)lost all respect for myself, for others, for my parents, everybody,now skip to present time, I HAVE BEEN SOBER 33 years, and you know what?? This beautiful world that God made for me,and you, and your friends, and everybody looks FANTASTIC do you know why? Because I'm not looking at it through  a beer bottle, and this world God made for us, is alot bigger & wonderful sober to where I can hear the birds, see the trees, feel the sunshine on my face, in other words: I'M OUTSIDE, I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT, AND DON'T HAVE TO ASK FOR PERMISSION TO TO DO ANYTHING!!! So, which is it you and your friends want? FREEDOM to see and enjoy this wonderful world that we live in (its not perfect but what is?)that God made for us,OR get caught drinking and go to jail, and lose all your rights as a human being, and most of all lose your name [in jail you go by a number]? Just think about it please? Talk to your other friends get them to stop too! And go out and enjoy life, and instead trying to survive it!!!!!Thank you for listening to me.Pray for your dad.Maybe she should know!!!

  9. I started drinking @ 11 and quit @ 17, my parents didn't know until I was 28.

    First off, it's illegal, and your dad can go to jail for contributing to your delinquency (and any other kids he knows about, but doesn't DO anything about).

    As to your last question, if there are problems with your folks not telling each other the truth about what is going on, then the problem is well beyond you and drinking. Is your dad a bad person? Would you let your child do something as dangerous and harmful as drinking as a teenager?

  10. it's illegal. when you start drinking at a younger age, you have a bigger susceptibility to all sorts of diseases and a much higher chance of being addicted as an adult. i'm still in high school, and although all the "parties" involve alcohol,  i choose to avoid drinking or avoid them altogether. i've learned way to much in health class to even try that. and weird s**t can happen while under the influence, e.g. get busted by the popo or get a girl pregnant.

    your dad isn't necessarily a bad person, because he knows the pressures of high school and how drinking is "cool" in the eyes of your peers. he wants you to fit in and have friends and all, but really it's up to you.

    i've had quite a few of my friends get caught and get suspended from sports teams, go to court, go to saturday rehab school, do community service, etc. trust me it's not worth it, there are better things to get busted for than underage drinking. it has rather heavy consequences legally, mentally, and most importantly, physically.

    you can still have fun and make new friends while not drinking.

  11. Ur dad is not a bad person he is just cool but he could get into a lot of trouble if you get caught

  12. If you aren't getting drunk, and you're dad doesn't have a problem with it, then, personally, I'd say it's fine. I'm fourteen, and I've had a small glass of wine before... (yeah, I know, hurrah I'm so cool)

    If you're always getting drunk though...that may be a different story...

  13. don't get too wasted to the point where you can get alcohol poisoning.. that has happened to me and its really scary. you can end up getting your stomach pumped in the hospital. having your dad around watching you makes it a little bit safer because hopefully he is smart enough to tell you when you've had enough and makes you stop.

  14. dude my dad let me do the same **** when i was 7 8 & 9. its alright to party now & again, but dont over do it. and yeah ur gunna feel guilty for keepin a secret from ur mom........ but i cant really tell u what to do about that since my momma still dont know.........

  15. hes not a bad person, but irresponsible and disrespectful.

    when i was a teen my pops would give me a beer and be cool with it. But I'd probably be pissed at him for letting me get drunk, thats being a bad father.

  16. I don't think there's anything wrong with underage drinking, personally.

    And no, he's not a bad person.

    But if you feel guilty, then don't do it.

  17. Yes your father is a bad parent for letting you do this and put yourself in danger. He is also lying to your mother. He is suppose to be raising you to be a responsible adult and keeping you safe. He is not doing his job. If you get pretty wasted you probably do not know all of the stuff that you do and say. Alcohol is hurting your still growing body and mind. Before you know if you might have yourself a drinking problem.

  18. Your dad is not a bad person but he needs to stop tryin to be a "cool" parent and start telling you that its not acceptable to drink.They have an age restriction on drinking for a reason....younger kids can get alcohol poisoning was easier than an adult can...thus having to be 21 to drink! Also what would happen if you got alcohol poisoning...more than likely(friends or not) the other kids wouldn't do anything in fear of them getting into big trouble as well...the most they would probably do is take you to the hospital and leave you there..that is IF they have a concious.

    I think its a problem because drinking this much can give you an early start to seriously do not want to be an alcoholic do you??? Its not a great life to live..always waiting for the next paycheck to buy your alcohol...or looking in the bottom of a bottle to cure your problems and such...

    I think you need to lay off the drink and your dad needs to stop allowing this to happen...he would see it differently if you were to get alcohol poisoning or liver cancer,and would regret the day he told you why not just stop now and save your life in the long me its worth it!

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