
Underage <span title="drinking???????????????????????">drinking?????????????????...</span>

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ok, it was afternoon and i was at a friends house and most of them were 16 like me. well, they started talking about getting crunk that night but their parents were there so they were planning on how to get some drink by going to a friends house. now, i've never drank before and they asked me if i was up for it. i said 'sure why not' cuz i didn't want to look like the odd one. but i was scared cuz this was my first time and i was scared that i may not be able to control myself or i might hurt myself. fortunately, my dad came to pick me up on time and i was relieved that i didn't have to come with them. now, my question is: a)is it ok for a teen to drink?? b)what am i going to expect for my first time?? c) should i avoid being friends with them??

they are really nice people. i get along fine with them. our families are great friends with each other. its just that they think that if a person doesnt drink, then they aren't "cool". i know that eventually i will drink but i just dont know what to expect...sorry if it's long, i just don't know what to do




  1. ok speaking from personal experience if you really dont want to drink dont....but if you do i dont recommend going over board on your first time til you know what your limit is....and dont stop being friends with them just because of that because if they are your tru friends they wont mind/care that you dont drink and if they do and tell you that your &quot;not cool&quot; then they dont matter!...hope this helps!

  2. it is perfectly fine for a teen to drink so long as you are responsible.  If you don&#039;t feel like drinking then don&#039;t.  But there is no reason to be scared of it.  Just pace yourself and you won&#039;t end up shitfaced

  3. Like anything: Drinking can be a lot of fun - it can also be a lot of trouble.

    Doing something you don&#039;t want to (maybe because you don&#039;t feel &quot;ready&quot; yet) because others are doing it is, in my opinion, a waste of time.

    You may not know how to do this yet, but here is what I recommend:

    Own your feelings. Do what you want to do because YOU want to do it.

    When someone stands in their own power, and does what they know is best for THEM, the stronger they are and the more people will listen to them.

    Test it out - try it with something small your parents and you disagree on. It can be fun to mess with parents sometime ;)

  4. you&#039;d be surprised that in every town their is underage drinking.

    if you don&#039;t want to do it you shouldn&#039;t have to. im gonna be a junior

    in the fall and i drank since summer going into sophomore year, not that im an alcoholic but if i got out with friends we&#039;ll sometime drink. it really wont hurt to try, but dont be obligated to do it. but the one thing i hate is when girls who dont drink say oh its so gross blah blah, but have never tried it. you shouldnt be worried either nothing will happen if you get drunk just make sure you have a ride to wherever your sleeping and never drive. i mean it wont hurt to try it once and if you dont like it dont do it, and if their really your friend they wont care.

  5. just tell them you dont drink. go hang out but get like a soda or energy drink to have instead. in all my years of drinking i&#039;ve never thought some one a wuss or anything because they dont drink. i plenty that dont. i actually envy their will power and ability to deal with life without needing occasional, or more often, escapes from reality.

    just start out drinking a beer or two and get the feel. dont get wasted right of the bat.

  6. If they are your real friends, they wouldn&#039;t diss you if you don&#039;t want to drink; they should respect you, and they shouldn&#039;t be doing what thery are doing. It&#039;s also illegal.

    Don&#039;t give into peer pressure; this is the perfect example of it.

  7. Don&#039;t go crazy. Start out slow. If those people are your real friends then they wont pressure you into doing anything. Start out with a couple of beers or something and see how you like it. If you start to feel pressured then maybe you should consider making new friends.Good luck.

  8. A) I think so if it&#039;s done responsibly.

    B) Depends on how much you drink.

    C) If you don&#039;t like drinking, then yes.

  9. eh. i&#039;m 16.

    and in the same problem.

    it&#039;s okay. just be like. dude! i&#039;ve got a doctor&#039;s appointment tomorrow.

    so. i&#039;ll take one beer.

    but like. i can&#039;t do anymore.

  10. hey. i&#039;ve been drinking for like.. 3 years now. and i&#039;m 17. when it was my first time getting &quot;crunk&quot; haha i was scared outta my tree. lol but you let go and have fun. don&#039;t worry about getting out of control. you still have some control when you&#039;re drunk. trust me. hahaha. just don&#039;t have a whole 26. not good. :) and no, don&#039;t NOT be friends with them because of this. just go drink with them and experience it for the first time. you&#039;ll be surprised how fun it is! haha

    good luck. :):)

  11. A) Yes if responsible

    B) Happy and talkative depends on how much of what you drink

    C) No  

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