ok, it was afternoon and i was at a friends house and most of them were 16 like me. well, they started talking about getting crunk that night but their parents were there so they were planning on how to get some drink by going to a friends house. now, i've never drank before and they asked me if i was up for it. i said 'sure why not' cuz i didn't want to look like the odd one. but i was scared cuz this was my first time and i was scared that i may not be able to control myself or i might hurt myself. fortunately, my dad came to pick me up on time and i was relieved that i didn't have to come with them. now, my question is: a)is it ok for a teen to drink?? b)what am i going to expect for my first time?? c) should i avoid being friends with them??
they are really nice people. i get along fine with them. our families are great friends with each other. its just that they think that if a person doesnt drink, then they aren't "cool". i know that eventually i will drink but i just dont know what to expect...sorry if it's long, i just don't know what to do