
Underhand <span title="serving??????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">serving??????????????????...</span>

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are we aloud to in vball?




  1. The answer really depends on your coach.  Some coaches only want overhand serves.   The rules say you can serve any way you want as long as you contact it with your hand and you do not hold it in your hand until you contact it.  (I actually had a team mate that did a side arm serve.  I would not recommend that to anyone.)  I was scrimmaging a club team last year.  I used an underhand serve and scored quite a few points.  The underhand serve hit them at a different angle than they were used to.  The kept passing the ball backwards.  It is a great change of pace.

  2. Of Coarse ! You can Under hand serve it or over hand serve it or jumpserve it! Do what make you feel most comfortable

  3. Underhand serving tends to come as rainbows on the defense side. Which gives them an extreme chance of hitting the ball. Overhand serves soar like rockets. Which cause the defense players to get LOW. &amp;Usually won&#039;t be able to hit your ball. &amp;Of course it&#039;s totally up to your coach. I prefer overhand.

  4. if you are in competitve or school vball then no...actually you can but you cant serve the ball directly out of the hand...if you are in a rec legue then you can serve how ever

  5. yes, but a lot of coaches dont allow it. at my school, i think all 8th graders have to serve overhand. it helps if you do have some arm strength, but its all about the toss and contact w/ the ball. (if you have no clue wat that is ask ur coach!) ur toss HAS 2 be consistent, and you wanna make good solid contact high in the air. th bow and arrow form is the best! again, ask ur coach.

  6. Yep..well i guess it depends wat leauge ur in.....usually pplz start out w/ underhand then go 2 over hand....It took me a while 2 get my overhand....a TON of practice.

  7. yea i do

  8. i do so yeah i guess

  9. yes, why else would they call it underhand serving?  Serving is so VOLLEYBALL!!

  10. you can serve any way you want to.

    I saw a girl from Bejing China lob the ball in the air and then jump hit it over the net. She scored 7 aces and also helped her team by scoring 15 points to come from behind to win the game.

    She also is an outstanding outside hitter.

    As long as the ball goes over the net is all you are worried about.

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