
Understanding Dreams?

by Guest58648  |  earlier

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Can anyone understand this dream? I was walking down a busy little street, it looked like a street from somekind of italian or spanish town...there were little shops, bakeries and market stalls everywhere. There was a woman singing in a doorway of one of them, the most romantic song ever. I looked up at the sky and it was dusky and there was a bright full moon, i was on my way to meet someone and i was really excited. He kept sending me textx telling me to hurry up coz he was cold and shivering. When i got to the bar i was meeting him at I walked up the stairs and i knew he had seen me, i also felt he was overwhelmed and lacked confidence in approaching me and i saw him turn away to walk down the stairs. I followed him and sat him down with me on the stairs, he was very nevous and shaking...there was another man there with his girlfriend who tried to tell me that my man was a weirdo....i told him he was the creepy one. Wat does it all mean? it was so vivid from beginning to end




  1. Okay so the things that stuck out the most to me where the  the lady singing, the moon, the bar, the random guy you were going to meet, and the couple at the bar.

    Here we go.

    To hear someone sing in your dream, signifies emotional and spiritual fulfillment. You are changing your mood and experiencing a more positive outlook in life.

    To see the moon in your your dream, represents something hidden, mystery and the feminine aspect of your self. In particular, a full moon signifies completion, whereas a new moon symbolizes new beginnings.

    To dream that the moon in odd in any way, signifies infidelity of your lover and disappointments in business.

    To dream that you are at a bar, signifies your desire to escape from the stresses of your daily life and retreat into a light-hearted environment where pleasure abounds. Alternatively, you are seeking for acceptance in some aspect of your daily life.

    To see a man in your dream, denotes the masculine aspect of yourself - the side that is assertive, rational, aggressive, and/or competitive. If the man is known to you, then the dream may reflect you feelings and concerns you have about him. To see a couple in your dream, symbolize marriage, your parents, or a relationship. Consider what the couple are doing in your dream for additional clues about their significance. It may point to something that is lacking or missing from your life.

    Contact me if you need any furthur information,

    or if you remember anything else that was in your dream.

    I hope I could help. And sorry if I couldn't.

  2. Dreams are our minds way of reviewing the things that are in our thoughts, but not always in the fore front. It sounds like you are looking for love and are afraid of missing it or having a relationship turning cold even if you perceive the guys nervous intentions toward you. The guy trying to tell you he is a weirdo could be your own apprehension to the person you like either because your unsure of his true intent or commitment.

    In the end don't totally rely on your dreams for they are usually your mind working on the things that your are concerned about in your subconscious.

  3. The dream begins on a positive note of romance.  The romantic town and the song the woman is singing sets up the mood of the dream.  Even the moon urges you on to your meeting.  The dream likely refers to some event in your that may have already happen or that has not happened.  

    This is where the dream changes and it seems the man is not what you expected.  This could reflect your insecurities on meeting this person or that you are not sure you want to meet this guy,  You are not sure you will like him.  Even though you question whether this guy is for you, you still defend him against the other guy, so it is likely this refers to someone you know.  While he might not be the person you want to be with, you do like him enough to defend him.

    Let me know if this help.

  4. ????????????????????????????????????????...

  5. never seen a dream like this before!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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