
Understanding Vegans?

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Are you a vegan because you love animals, or because you hate plants? Or is there another reason? Thank you.




  1. Because you can't live healthy without eating plants, but you can live healthy without animals.

  2. I AM a vegan. And its because I believe that killing, and causing harm to innocent creatures is wrong. Especially in this age when these animals are bred into it and have a very unhealthy lifestyle. I love animals (obviously). But also I feel so much healthier and happier.

    Oh, and I stay, healthy (chya!)

  3. Har har har. I've heard that one before. ;-)

    For me, it's pretty much habit now. I no longer crave or enjoy animal flesh. (Sorry if that's gross.) It actually made me sick the last time I tried to eat it.

    But there are reasons beyond animal love or plant hate. You could love the earth, or love people, or love money/hate corporations, and you'd find great benefits to support your cause within vegetarianism. :-)

  4. I am not a vegan or vegetarian.

    But Vegans, Im pretty sure love animals. If they hated plants, dont you think they would think plants tasted bad, so they wouldnt eat them.

    Then if they were still vegans and they didnt eat animals and they didnt eat plants, they would all die...

  5. im not vegan im vegatarian im one though because i love animals and plus it goods for the enviorment

  6. Well, i think a lot of people love animals but still continue to eat them. So yes, I do love animals. And I don't eat plants. I'm vegan. (You do the math)

  7. I'm a vegan because I love animals and I think that one person CAN make a difference in the world. Stand up for the rights of animals.!

  8. I do love animals, but the only reason I became vegan was for my health. After reading a lot of disturbing information, I quit it all cold turkey. I read an article about how cows milk is associated with many of todays diseases, including asthma, which i used to suffer from. After only 6 months without dairy, all of my asthma symptoms were completely gone. I used to take my inhaler before I ran everyday, now i never use it. Our bodies were not designed to digest the milk intended for the infant of another species.

    I have never had more energy in my life and I feel great. Im not some crazy hippie trying to save the world. I value my life and simply want to live a long healthy one.

  9. yes i am a vegan cause i hate plants. Stupid good for nothing losers!

    sheesh plants these days.

  10. I am vegan because I love animals. I love plants too. I eat plants, but they don't have a central nervous system. Plants can also grow back and animals can't do that (except in regeneration, but that is only if the animal can regenerate and if only a limb is taken off, but the animal can still feel the limb being torn off.)

  11. I have considered being a vegetarian because I love animals, and also because of the horrible condition that most of the animals that become food are 'raised' in.  If you actually look into it, its pretty sick and disgusting.  It just sounds like a horrible 'life' for them.  And I'm so not a tree hugger, fyi.    

    Plus I know if I had to kill my own food that I wouldn't be able to, so for some reason that bothers me.  But so far I haven't been able to convert.  I don't know if I will ever be able to so I try to cut down on my meat consumption.  But I give big kudos to anyone that is one.  Hope it helps.

  12. Wow that is an odd question. No offence, I'm vegetarian and eventually want to become vegan and I have never hated plants. I want to become vegan for many reasons. Because I just don't feel right eating animals(its not for me), because I love animals, and for the envionment. but I'm not trying to preach or anything. I choose my eating habits, you choose yours. =)

  13. Haha, that's a good joke. I'm vegetarian, and I think it's funny. Some people get offended way to easily.

  14. The hating  plants bit is pure sarcasm, presumably aimed at the morons who attack us by asking "what about the plaaaaants?"

    I went vegetarian because my body could no longer tolerate meat.  I went vegan when I found out about the treatment of cows kept for their milk and hens kept for their eggs.  The fact that the sons of dairy cows become veal was enough to put me off dairy for good.

  15. I am a vegetarian considering veganism. I can't answer for all vegans but I know that some do not eat meat because they love animals, others do it for health reasons, and some do it for the environment in general. And vegans do not hate plants, because if they did they would have nothing to eat and they would die. Hope that helped.

  16. For me being vegetarian is somewhat political. Just as edible biofuels have driven up the cost of chapatis and tortillas worldwide, using soybeans and other crops that could be eaten by humans to feed to animals to yield meat is incredibly inefficient.  Frances Moore Lappe has argued that global hunger is caused not by the lack of food but rather by the inability of hungry people to gain access to the abundant amount of food that exists in the world...

    We in the first world are usurping more than our share of resources.

    Oh and btw, I LOVE plants. I have a BS in Horticulture.
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