
Unhealthy world?

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I just heard on tv that in 1904 the average american consumed 5lbs of sugar a year and in 2004 they consumed 152 lbs of sugar a year! That's very shocking to me. Does anyone have any other shocking health/diet related statistics/facts that prove how unhealthy the population and agricultural processes are?

Cite it if you can, that would be very helpful, or better yet provide a site if you can.




  1. Yes, its shocking what we call "food" today.  Sad fact is, sugar (often disguised as high fructose corn syrup) is in most commercially processed "food".  For some enlightening, and scary details about food, check out or     I find it shocking that most people consume loads of "food" that contain chemicals and preservatives that are byproducts of the petrochemical industry, and most don't even know what ingredients are in their "food".  The fact that the FDA approves things such as food dye made from crushed beatles (google "carmine"), and allows and endorses genetically modified food is shocking to me.  No wonder obesity and disease are so prevalant!  I grow much of my own food, milk my own cow, make my own flours and stuff from the whole grains, and avoid the toxic load as much as possible-and I must say, its quite a challenge to find wholesome, unadulterated ingredients unless you grow them yourself.

  2. I find that number (152) highly doubtful.  That is almost a half a pound a day for every person.  There are people who will manipulate numbers to say what whatever they wish.

  3. This may not be what you're asking for but someone had a vintage T-shirt from the 1970s that was an extra large that was today's large.

  4. read the book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. You will be surprised...

  5. Add Salt
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