
Uni question...........?

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How many lectures a week do you have to turn up to at uni? The reason I ask this is because I have a part-time job between 2-6pm Monday to Friday, and it was near enough impossible finding a job beforehand so as you can imagine, I am very reluctant to quit. The place I work has no vacancies for Saturday and Sunday staff so I can't even change my hours. Do you think I can keep this job and go to uni at the same time? Thanks x




  1. On my course 80% of lectures need to be attended to complete the course.  I would definitely look for a new job.

  2. well thats going to be difficult you need to know your times for uni then rearrange with work cant you ask at work to do maybe 5-9 some days instead so that you can go uni then work in the night it will be hard work but many people do it..:)

    Im sure when you let work know someone will exchange hours with you i had a similar problem and i have just changed my hours for when i go back to 6 form! :)

    hope everything works out x

  3. i doubt u'll be able to keep working mon - fri.  I had to turn up to 80% of lectures (i went to glasgow uni)  think  shold start looking for a new job.  try bar work. hope u get it sorted out. x

  4. You would have to have a very very lucky timetable to be able to work 2-6pm every week day and not miss so much uni that you would fail.

  5. yeh you don't attend every day of the week anyway. just catch up from other students if you miss anything.

  6. well you did not mention why do you need the job? and how old are you? are you really in need of money? can you ask money from your parents while you are studying? from loans?

    the reason i am saying is this. I had 3 part time jobs while i was going to school full time. And i loved my jobs, they would pay all my bills. *knock on wood* i never had a debt or loan. But i regret little on working those jobs. Why? because i wish i would have paid more attention on my studies instead and would not be working so much and trying to make a living myself. I had sources to support myself during the course of studies but i chose to be responsible myself.

    Now to answer why i regret? I consider myself as a good student and i know if i did study at that time, i would have paid more attention on my courses, I would have learnt more and I would have been working in a different company, probably making double what i make now. So my point is that studies are very important if you think of future...

    You have all your life to work and earn.

    Now if your answer was that you need the money and dont have any other source, then you can opt to do any on-campus part time, just enough to support yourself. or some other small job. But do not compensate for studies at all.

    If you could adjust your class timings and still pay attention to studies and still work, then you are very good and responsible...


  7. most universities have a minimum attendance policy, usually 75 -80% attendance or you can be barred from the exams and removed from the course. And it is quite unrealistic to think that you won't have classes on in the afternoons...many universities run classes until 6 pm.

  8. That doesn't sound very do-able. You should try to get a job within the university such as bar work at the student bar or as a student ambassador as these can easily be worked around your lectures.

  9. you are going to be tired...  

  10. Hey i dont really think you would be able to keep your job if its mon-friday. I work twopart time jobs but i manage it because its evening work but even then its difficult. And i wouldnt advise you to work alot and neglect ur studies because i had alot of friends who would do that, each time they were off uni they would be working dedicating no time to their studying. I would recommend you to speak to your employers and see what they can do for you, but unless they reduce your days you may have to leave. Anyway im sure you'd find a job elsewhere whilst studying too over the weekends or something.  

  11. It depends on how many you want to go to; it usually helps going to the lectures though. Why not schedule your classes in the morning so that you can attend those and then go to work? (I do agree with the people who said it's too much work; you will be exhausted with the classes, work and then assignments and midterms to keep up with).

    If I were you, I would pick an on campus job which interests me, and would cut the commute time, and will also keep into consideration that your first priority is school. I had a job like that, and I took days off before a big paper was due, or an exceptionally taxing midterm, and it was always granted. That's a supportive and encouraging luxury to have while working as a student.

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