My FIL is a complete jerk. He only cares about himself and his wife (who is 35, 4 years older than me). When he comes to visit us, which isn't often because we live in a different town he hardly speaks to my son who's 2, except to correct what he thinks is bad behaviour (knocking down a block tower they built). He plopped himself on our couch and put on a Chicago DVD he's seen a thousand times and when my son tugs on his hand and says "Grandpa Play?" he shooes him away. On his birthday he showed up 2 hours late for a 3 hour party, and then complained when we didn't hold the cake for him, after countless times of trying to call him. Turns out he was at the dog park. I'm so sick of this behaviour. I know my hubby is too, but he pretty much just accepts his dad for who he is. I think that the older my son gets, the more he will notice and he'll get hurt. I feel like banishing him but I know that won't happen. I just want to shield my son from hurt. What can I do?