
United Nations help!?

by  |  earlier

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can someone give me the complete list of organizations that the UN is associated with??? i visited recently but i didn't get all the info down but i do remember there being a huge list including UNICEF and a lot more.

a link will be greatly appreciated if possible. :)




  1. United Nations security council.

  2. This is all I found  

    The Human Rights Commision

    The International Labour Organisation (ILO)

    The World Health Organisation (WHO)

    The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)

    The United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA)


    Click on the categories then. By the way, it's a lot! Happy surfing!

  4. Visit

  5. You can use Yahoo Answers to get some information, but to get the complete list you have to go some place else since there are far too many to list using Yahoo Answers.

    Here is a diagram of the organizational structure of different areas the UN involved with

    Of course, it is listed by the UN itself.

    I can't understand why people are asking for a detailed list of what all the UN is into, but don't want to use the UN's own resources to get that answer.

    That's like asking what is in the US constitution but not wanting to use a USA web site to get the answer.

    The way you phrased your question, maybe you not only interested in all the organizational structure of the UN, but all the nations that are members of the UN, which is d**n near every nation on the planet.

    Other people here have asked similar questions, which I have answered here;...

    and here;...
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