
United nation & North Korea?

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What are the Things that United Nation done

For and also Against North Korea???


What agenices of United Nation are involved with those thinkgs? (Especially: food & medical support and refugee issues.)

Example: the nuclear bomb issues are mainly related with Securit y councile





  1. The biggest thing that the United Nations has done in regards to North Korea is pass Resolutions 82 & 83 which are still in effect today. It calls for all member states to aid South Korea in resisting North Korean agression. The Korean War never ended. There was never a peace treaty just a cease fire. Even though there hasn't been any real hostilities in over 50 years the Korean War is still active.

  2. i heard that there is a secret U.N peace keeping force called

    "Golden Falcon"  it is a stealth unit that goes around in  hostile countries doing special operations.

    there was an explosion at an Iranian nuclear power plant this week but Iran is denying it

    ....I wonder :P


  3. Since the end of World War 2, North Korean has been used as a buffer to the Russian by the American, French and British.

    North Korean people have suffered because whatever their leaders do will invite opposition by the British, French and America.

    Pitty them, North Korea will always be viewed as the bad guy.

    Talk about nuclear bomb or 'nuclear things', who have the most stock and used them frequently?  The answer for the most stock is America, Russia, Israel and European countries.

    UN has been right to broker the peace initiatives. Assist North Korea seriously and sincerely so that the country and its people feel secure and reduce whatever effort that can promulgate war.

  4. leave them alone

  5. Check the UN's World Food Programme web site for information on food assistance to NK. Check other UN web sites (UNICEF, UNDP, UNIFEM, UNFPA, UNHCR, etc.) for their activities in North Korea regarding medical support and refugee issues.

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