
United states and russia?

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does anybody think we will go to war with russia, why is it ok for the united states to put missles in poland but when the russians wanted to put missles in cuba it was and bad idea i,m all for the u.s but what if they decide to put missles in our back yard and they if you can do it we can too. it all seems to scary for me russia is a big country nothing like the desert in iraq





  2. For one thing, the missiles Russia wants to put in Cuba are of the Nuclear type meant to grow giant mushrooms in large cities.

    The missiles we want to put into Poland are of the kind to shoot down the giant mushroom producing missiles.

    The missiles we would put in Poland would protect Europe, not necessarily the US.  

  3. russia should nuke poland, if we tried to get involved in another war we would all die.  

  4. I just returned from a bank in Moscow. There was a long line so people were irritated. One old man started saying that we need another Stalin to restore order. People shut him at once. Nobody needs Stalin. People need more foreign banks in Moscow.

    So Russia has changed but the US is still plotting a war.

  5. The hypocrisy level in the USA is amazing, if you ever wondered why people hate you this mess in Georgia is a perfect example. It's OK for the USA to invade small countries but not OK for other people to defend them selves.

  6. Fox News: 12 Year Old Girl Tells the Truth about Georgia

  7. The reason it is different is that ours aren't nuclear missiles, they SHOOT DOWN nuclear missiles. They are put in place for defense against Iran, but what the heck it may just defend against Russian missiles as well =).  

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